Ayam Pelung

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Cock Ayam Pelung.jpg

Ayam Pelung or Pelung Chicken (Pelung long crower) is a poultry breed from Cianjur, Indonesia. The males (roosters) are considered to be "singing chickens", with contests being frequent in the Pelung area for the most melodious crowing. A full grown male may weigh 3-6 kg (7-14 lb) and stand up to 50 cm (18 in) tall. A full grown female may weigh 2-4 kg (5-9 lb)


According to local myth, in 1850 H. Djarkasih (Mamak Acih), who was a local chicken hobbyist, teacher, and farmer in Bunikasih Village, Cianjur, Indonesia, found a young male chick in his garden and raised it. It matured quickly and uttered a long and melodious crow. Mamah Acih called it Ayam Pelung. [1]


Great Size and Posture

The Ayam Pelung is known for its large size and straight posture. A full-grown cock will reach 11-13 lbs and a hen 8 lbs. Their large size and quick growth rate makes them good broiler chickens.

Rapid Growth and Weight Gain

The Ayam Pelung grows very quickly compared with most other domestic poultry breeds.. [2]

Exceptional Crow

Ayam Pelung chickens have very long crowing.

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  1. "Pelung Long Crowers". Feathersite.com. Retrieved November 20, 2011.
  2. H. T. S. S. G. Saragih and B. S. Daryono: Effect of High-Protein Diet on Body Weight and Pectoralis thoracicus Muscle Performance on Pelung and Broiler Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus). Animal Production 14 (3), Faculty of Animal Science, Jenderal Soedirman University (UNSOED), Purwokerto 2012, Pages 199-2004