Bartolomeo Pedon

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Bartolomeo Pedon (Venice, 1665- Venice, 1732) was an Italian painter of the late-Baroque period.

Moonlit Landscape with Ruined Castle from Walters Art Museum, Baltimore. Bartolomeo Pedon - Moonlit Landscape with Ruined Castle - Walters 37348.jpg
Moonlit Landscape with Ruined Castle from Walters Art Museum, Baltimore.

He mainly painted landscapes, often nocturnes or whimsical architecture capricci in a wild landscape. In this he appears to be influenced by Marco Ricci and Antonio Marini, but also by Magnasco and Salvatore Rosa. [1] Many of his works are still in private hands. [2]

Other sources say he was born in 1655 in Padua, and worked in Monastery of San Benedetto. [3]

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