Burton (nut)

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Burton is a cultivar of hican (nut or tree), a cross between hickory and pecan, species of the genus Carya . Burton nuts have a unique, yet very pleasing hickory flavor indicative of hickory trees. [1] Hickory-pecan hybrids are often unproductive.[ citation needed ]

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A hican is a tree resulting from a cross between a pecan and some other type of hickory - or the nut from such a hybrid tree.

A pecan is a type of nut belonging to either of two species:

<i>Curculio caryae</i> Species of beetle

The pecan weevil, Curculio caryae is an obligate feeder on the nuts of North American hickories and pecans, most widely recognized as an economically important pest of the pecan, Carya illinoinensis. It has also been observed to infest one Juglans species, the Persian walnut, Juglans regia.

The Elliot Pecan, or Elliott Pecan, is a pecan variety planted predominantly in Georgia and Florida. The nut is distinguishable by its smooth shell and small, tear-drop shape. The first Elliot tree was a seedling in the lawn of the American lumberman Henry Elliot in Milton, Florida. The Elliot Pecan tree is among the most disease-resistant pecan trees planted in the Southeastern United States.

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Kanuchi is a hickory nut soup eaten originally by the Cherokee people and which consists primarily of ground hickory nuts boiled in water. Hickory was the nut of choice, since it is a nut tree endemic to North America, and is known to grow plentifully in those forested areas settled by the Cherokee.


  1. "Burton". Society of Ontario Nut Growers. Retrieved 2009-03-02.