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Joint capsule(articular capsule)
Specialty Orthopedic

In anatomy, capsulitis is inflammation of a capsule. [1]


Types include:

Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder

Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder, also known as frozen shoulder, commonly causes shoulder pain and stiffness. [2] These sensations can be very painful and may last up to two or three years. [2]


Manual therapy and exercise

Manual therapy involves the movement of joints and other structures by a healthcare professional such as a physiotherapist. [2] Exercise is the movement of joints and purposeful muscle contraction. [2] Both manual therapy and exercise are used to attempt to relieve pain and soreness and increase joint range and function. [2] There is moderate quality evidence that manual therapy and exercise may help significantly decrease pain in patients with adhesive capsulitis of shoulder. [2] However the study also indicates that glucocorticoid (a type of anti-inflammatory) injections were more effective. [2]

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Joint capsule

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  1. " two/000016880 " at Dorland's Medical Dictionary
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Page, Matthew J; Green, Sally; Kramer, Sharon; Johnston, Renea V; McBain, Brodwen; Chau, Marisa; Buchbinder, Rachelle (2014-08-26). "Manual therapy and exercise for adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder)". Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (8): CD011275. doi:10.1002/14651858.cd011275. ISSN   1465-1858. PMID   25157702.