Cenchrus (insect anatomy)

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The cenchrus (plural cenchri) is a specialized anatomical structure in the insect group known as sawflies. The cenchri are small blister-like lobes on the metanotum of these insects, just posterior to the mesothoracic scutellum, shaped and positioned in such a way as to latch onto the base of the front wings when they are folded at rest. [1] There are corresponding small patches on the wings where the membrane is roughened, to increase the friction against the dorsal surface of the cenchri. This is a unique mechanism among the insects.

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  1. Bird, R. D. (1 September 1926). "The External Anatomy of the Adult of Hoplocampa Halcyon Nort. (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinoidea)". Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 19 (3): 268–279. doi:10.1093/aesa/19.3.268 . Retrieved 4 May 2022.