Euphorbia terracina

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Euphorbia terracina
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Rosids
Order: Malpighiales
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Genus: Euphorbia
E. terracina
Binomial name
Euphorbia terracina

Euphorbia terracina, commonly known as the Geraldton carnation weed and False caper, is a species of perennial herb in the family Euphorbiaceae. It has a self-supporting growth form and simple, broad leaves. Flowers are visited by Lipotriches brachysoma , Lipotriches natalensis , Lipotriches crassula , and Nomia bouyssoui . [1] [2] It produces small, three lobed fruits, with each lobe containing one seed. [3]



Euphorbia terracina is natively distributed in Mediterranean climate regions of Northern Africa, temperate Asia, and some areas of Europe. It is an invasive weed in other similar climate regions mainly in Australia and the U.S. state of California. [4] [5] It allelopathically inhibitit growth of surrounding plants. [6]


Euphorbia terracina is toxic to both humans and livestock. As with many other Euphorbia species, exposure to its milky sap may cause irritation to skin, eyes, and digestive tracts. [4] [5]


In some regions of Algeria, the sap of Euphorbia terracina is used to treat warts. The sap has been found to demonstrate antioxidative properties [7]


Definition of Free Cultural Works logo notext.svg  This article incorporates text from a free content work. Licensed under CC0( license statement/permission ). Text taken from Euphorbia terracina , . Encyclopedia of Life.

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  1. "Euphorbia terracina L. - Encyclopedia of Life". Retrieved 2022-02-04.
  2. Mifsud, Stephen (2002-08-23). "Euphorbia terracina (Coastal Spurge) : - the online Flora of the Maltese Islands". Retrieved 2022-02-16.
  3. Riordan, Erin C.; Rundel, Philip W.; Brigham, Christy; Tiszler, John (2008). "Morphological Traits and Invasive Potential of the Alien Euphorbia Terracina (euphorbiaceae) in Coastal Southern California". Madroño. 55 (1): 52–59. ISSN   0024-9637.
  4. 1 2 CABI (2022-01-07). Euphorbia terracina (false caper) (Report). doi: 10.1079/cabicompendium.21379 .
  5. 1 2 "Euphorbia terracina Calflora". Retrieved 2024-04-17.
  6. "Euphorbia terracina Profile – California Invasive Plant Council" . Retrieved 2024-04-17.
  7. Zeghad, Farida; Djılanı, Salah Eddine; Djılanı, Abdelouaheb; Dıcko, Amadou (2016). "Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of three Euphorbia species". Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 13 (1): 22–37. doi: 10.5505/tjps.2016.29491 . ISSN   1304-530X.