
Last updated
Original author(s) Francis Cianfrocca
Initial releaseApril 13, 2006;16 years ago (2006-04-13)
Stable release
1.2.7 [1] / 12 May 2018;4 years ago (12 May 2018)
Written in Ruby
Operating system Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux
Type Event-driven networking
License GPL or Ruby License

EventMachine is a software system designed for writing highly scalable applications for Ruby. It provides event-driven I/O using the reactor pattern. EventMachine is the most popular library for concurrent computing in the Ruby programming language. [2]


Example uses

EventMachine has been used to build a number of different libraries and frameworks in which concurrency is a performance concern. Some examples include: [3]

See also

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  1. "Release 1.2.7". 12 May 2018. Retrieved 18 October 2018.
  2. "The Ruby Toolbox - Concurrent Processing" . Retrieved September 27, 2012.
  3. "EventMachine README". GitHub . Retrieved September 27, 2012.