Existential counselling

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Existential counselling is a philosophical form of counselling which addresses the situation of a person's life and situates the person firmly within the predictable challenges of the human condition.


Well known authors on existential counselling are Irvin Yalom in the USA through his book Existential Psychotherapy (1981), and Emmy van Deurzen, who created the British School and published Existential Counselling and Psychotherapy in 1988. [1]

Dimensions of living

Existential counselling considers human living to take place in confrontation with three different dimensions – external world; other people; inner world. [2] Others would nominate four dimensions: physical, social, psychological and spiritual. [3] Each of these dimensions can be seen as constituted like a force field, within which predictable paradoxes, tensions and dilemmas play out. Human beings can learn to deal with these tensions and conflicts more effectively by facing up to the negatives as well as the positives of their lives, including the tensions of life and death, love and hate, strength and weakness and meaning and absurdity.

Personal element

Existential counsellors stress the importance of the examined life, and of preparatory work on oneself, in paving the way for effective counselling. [4] Thus in counselling adolescents the counsellor can optimally model an autonomous life based on the making of realistic decisions, but one which also acknowledges the role of failure as well as success in everyday life, and the ongoing and inescapable presence of anxiety. [5]

Research basis

In the debate on evidence-based research in counselling, existential counsellors tend to stress the dangers of over-simplification, and the importance of qualitative as well as quantitative measurements of outcome. [6] While not necessarily expecting an easy resolution of the specific/non-specific factors in therapy debate, an existential counsellor will nonetheless favor evidence-based practice. [7]

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Existential psychotherapy is a form of psychotherapy based on the model of human nature and experience developed by the existential tradition of European philosophy. It focuses on concepts that are universally applicable to human existence including death, freedom, responsibility, and the meaning of life. Instead of regarding human experiences such as anxiety, alienation and depression as implying the presence of mental illness, existential psychotherapy sees these experiences as natural stages in a normal process of human development and maturation. In facilitating this process of development and maturation existential psychotherapy involves a philosophical exploration of an individual's experiences while stressing the individual's freedom and responsibility to facilitate a higher degree of meaning and well-being in his or her life.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Existential crisis</span> Inner conflict due to perceived meaninglessness

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Emmy van Deurzen</span> Dutch existential therapist

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">History of psychotherapy</span>

Although modern, scientific psychology is often dated from the 1879 opening of the first psychological clinic by Wilhelm Wundt, attempts to create methods for assessing and treating mental distress existed long before. The earliest recorded approaches were a combination of religious, magical and/or medical perspectives. Early examples of such psychological thinkers included Patañjali, Padmasambhava, Rhazes, Avicenna and Rumi.

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Common factors theory, a theory guiding some research in clinical psychology and counseling psychology, proposes that different approaches and evidence-based practices in psychotherapy and counseling share common factors that account for much of the effectiveness of a psychological treatment. This is in contrast to the view that the effectiveness of psychotherapy and counseling is best explained by specific or unique factors that are suited to treatment of particular problems.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Paul T. P. Wong</span> Canadian clinical psychologist and academic

Paul T. P. Wong is a Canadian clinical psychologist and professor. His research career has gone through four stages, with significant contributions in each stage: learning theory, social cognition, existential psychology, and positive psychology. He is most known for his integrative work on death acceptance, meaning therapy, and second wave positive psychology. He has been elected as a fellow for both the American Psychological Association and the Canadian Psychological Association.

The actualizing tendency is a fundamental element of Carl Rogers' theory of person-centered therapy (PCT). Rogers' theory is predicated on an individual's innate capacity to decide his/her own best directions in life, provided his/her circumstances are conducive to this, based on the organism's "universal need to drive or self-maintain, flourish, self-enhance and self-protect". Counsellors Keith Tudor and Mike Worrall proposed that analogues of the actualizing tendency can be found in texts by various writers from antiquity onward, such as Aristotle, Lucretius, Spinoza, Sándor Ferenczi, Jessie Taft, and Eric Berne.


  1. M. Adams, A Concise Introduction to Existential Counselling (2013) p. 25
  2. E. Berne, A Layman's Guide to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis (1976) p. 287
  3. M. Adams, A Concise Introduction to Existential Counselling (2013) p. 25
  4. H. Johns, Personal Development in Counsellor Training (1996) p. 5-6 and p. 36
  5. K. and D. Geldard, Counselling Adolescents (2009) p. 76
  6. R. Woolfe et al, eds., Handbook of Counselling Psychology (2009) p. 145-6
  7. M. Adams, A Concise Introduction to Existential Counselling (2013) p. 124-6

Further reading

An Introduction to Existential Counselling