Fox Fur Nebula

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Fox Fur Nebula
Emission nebula
H II region
FoxFur Nebula from the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter Schulman Telescope courtesy Adam Block.jpg
Fox Fur Nebula taken from the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter Schulman Telescope
Observation data: J2000 epoch
Subtype Diffuse + Dark
Distance2,700  ly
Constellation Monoceros
Designations NGC 2264, Sh2-273
See also: Lists of nebulae

The Fox Fur Nebula is a nebula (a formation of gas and dust) located in the constellation of Monoceros (the Unicorn) not far off the right arm of Orion and included in the NGC 2264 Region. In the Sharpless catalog it is number 273.

The image is a close-up of a small section of a much larger complex, generally known as the Christmas Tree cluster. The Cone Nebula is also a part of this same cloud.

The red regions of this nebula are caused by hydrogen gas that has been stimulated to emit its own light by the copious ultraviolet radiation coming from the hot, blue stars of the cluster. The blue areas shine by a different process: they are mainly dust clouds that reflect the bluish light of the same stars.

Its popular name arises because the nebula looks like the head of a stole made from the fur of a red fox.

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