Gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone

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Gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH) is a RFamide-related peptide coded by the NPVF gene in mammals.



GnIH was discovered in 2000. It is an RFamide peptide that significantly reduced luteinizing hormone release in Coturnix Japonica (Japanese quail). This peptide emerged as the first tropic hormone known to inhibit gonadotropin secretion in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis of vertebrates. [1] Subsequent research identified GnIH peptide homologs in variety of mammals, including humans. [2]


GnIH is a neurohormone classified as an RFamide (RFa) or RFamide-related peptide (RFRP), coded by the NPVF gene in mammals. The complete amino acid sequence varies by species, but all RFa and RFRP peptides contain an arginine-phenylalanine-amine sequence at the C-terminal. This is seen in both Coturnix Japonica GnIH RFa (Ser-Ile-Lys-Pro-Ser-Ala-Tyr-Leu-Pro-Leu-Arg-Phe-NH2), and the human homolog, RFRP-3 (Val-Pro-Asp-Leu-Pro-Glu-Arg-Phe-NH2). [1] [3]


GnIH neurons reside primarily in the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (humans and rodents) and the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (avian species). Some GnIH neuron terminals in both mammalian and avian species project to the median eminence. [4] [5] [6] GnIH and GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone) neurons exist in close proximity in the hypothalamus, which may enable the direct inhibition of GnRH neurons by GnIH. [7] GnIH enters the bloodstream via the hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system, the vascular network supplying both the hypothalamus and the pituitary. [8]

GnIH and GnIH receptor (GnIH-R) mRNA is expressed in the hypothalamus, pituitary, and ovaries. [5] GnIH expression is highest during proestrus and lowest during estrus, suggesting the estrus cycle influences release of the hormone. Furthermore, GnIH neuronal cell counts in multiple vertebrates fluctuate with an organism’s parental status. [9] GnIH cell count may also vary with breeding season in some species. For instance, European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) with greater reproductive success exhibited higher quantities of GnIH-producing cells than did those that were less successful, but this effect did not appear until mid-breeding season. [9] [10] [11]

Receptor action

GnIH binds to the Gαi protein coupled receptor GPR147 to suppress adenylyl cyclase formation of cAMP and inhibit protein kinase cascades affecting gene expression. GnIH inhibits the same signaling pathway that GnRH activates to promote follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) expression. [12] [13] The compound RF9 is a known GPR147 receptor antagonist. [14]

Effects and physiological function

GnIH-R expression in the pituitary and other brain regions implies GnIH acts directly on the pituitary to downregulate gonadotropin production, impacting reproductive behaviors. [6] [15] [16] [17] This neurohormone also acts on the hypothalamus to inhibit the expression of GnRH, which may further inhibit gonadotropin secretion, and kisspeptin, which may inhibit kisspeptin-mediated stimulation of GnRH neurons prior to the preovulatory hormonal surge. GnIH also spurs the production of cytochrome P450 aromatase, promoting the synthesis of neuroestrogen in the brains of quails and reducing aggressivity in reproductive behaviors. [7] [18] [19]

In male vertebrates, GnIH reduces testis size, lowers testosterone secretion, and increases the incidence of apoptosis in germ cells and Sertoli cells of the seminiferous tubules. [20] [21] These gonadal changes, in addition to GnIH and GnIH-R mRNA expression in the seminiferous tubules, Sertoli cells, and spermatogonia, implicate function in spermatogenesis. In female vertebrates, high doses of GnIH increases ovarian mass and produce follicle irregularities, such as vacuole formation in nuclei and distorted morphology. [22] Ovarian changes in response to GnIH administration, as well as GnIH/GnIH-R mRNA expression in granulosa cells and luteal cells in different stages of the estrus cycle, implicate function in development of follicles and atresia. [21]

Additional biological roles

Stress-induced adrenal hormone increase may upregulate GnIH release, as some GnIH neurons have adrenal glucocorticoid receptors. GnIH may therefore mediate interactions between the HPG and HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axes and play a role in stress-related infertility. [23] GnIH neurons of the paraventricular nucleus in the hypothalamus also express melatonin receptors. Because melatonin secretion is modulated by environmental light patterns, melatonin influence on GnIH production may enable photoperiodic regulation of reproduction in seasonally breeding birds, rodents, and sheep. [24]

GnIH increases food consumption, implying a role in appetite. This finding is consistent with the location of most GnIH neurons, as the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus is involved in appetite regulation. GnIH may allow the energy reserves of an organism to modulate reproduction. [6]

Higher levels of thyroid hormone suppress GnIH expression, and lower levels of thyroid hormone are associated with higher GnIH levels. The inactivation of GnIH expression prevents delayed puberty caused by hypothyroidism, demonstrating that GnIH mediates interactions between the HPG and HPT (hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid) axes. [25] Furthermore, thyroid hormone may function in a pathway for photoperiodic regulation of reproduction involving GnIH and energy status. Melatonin modulates thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) production in the anterior pituitary, and TSH promotes thyroid hormone production. Thyroid hormone production influences metabolism and GnIH production, both of which impact reproduction. [26]

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Hypothalamic–pituitary hormones are hormones that are produced by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Although the organs in which they are produced are relatively small, the effects of these hormones cascade throughout the body. They can be classified as a hypothalamic–pituitary axis of which the adrenal (HPA), gonadal (HPG), thyroid (HPT), somatotropic (HPS), and prolactin (HPP) axes are branches.

Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH), is due to problems with either the hypothalamus or pituitary gland affecting the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Hypothalamic disorders result from a deficiency in the release of gonadotropic releasing hormone (GnRH), while pituitary gland disorders are due to a deficiency in the release of gonadotropins from the anterior pituitary. GnRH is the central regulator in reproductive function and sexual development via the HPG axis. GnRH is released by GnRH neurons, which are hypothalamic neuroendocrine cells, into the hypophyseal portal system acting on gonadotrophs in the anterior pituitary. The release of gonadotropins, LH and FSH, act on the gonads for the development and maintenance of proper adult reproductive physiology. LH acts on Leydig cells in the male testes and theca cells in the female. FSH acts on Sertoli cells in the male and follicular cells in the female. Combined this causes the secretion of gonadal sex steroids and the initiation of folliculogenesis and spermatogenesis. The production of sex steroids forms a negative feedback loop acting on both the anterior pituitary and hypothalamus causing a pulsatile secretion of GnRH. GnRH neurons lack sex steroid receptors and mediators such as kisspeptin stimulate GnRH neurons for pulsatile secretion of GnRH.

The hormone of gonadotropins secreted by the anterior hypophyse gland effects on the gonads and play a crucial role in the process of gonadal development and function in vertebrates. In birds and mammals, luteinizinghormone (LH) regulates sex steroid production as well as ovulation, whereas follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) promotes spermatogenesis and ovarian follicle maturation. Since the isolation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), a hypothalamic decapeptide, from mammalian brain in the early 1970s, several other GnRHs have been identified in the brains of other vertebrates. Based on extensive studies in vertebrates, it was generally believed that GnRH is the only hypothalamic regulator of the release of pituitary gonadotropins. Some neurochemicals and peripheral hormones [e.g.gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), opiates, gonadal sex steroids, inhibin] can modulate gonadotropin release, but GnRH was considered to have no hypothalamic antagonist.

Pulsatile secretion is a biochemical phenomenon observed in a wide variety of cell and tissue types, in which chemical products are secreted in a regular temporal pattern. The most common cellular products observed to be released in this manner are intercellular signaling molecules such as hormones or neurotransmitters. Examples of hormones that are secreted pulsatilely include insulin, thyrotropin, TRH, gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and growth hormone (GH). In the nervous system, pulsatility is observed in oscillatory activity from central pattern generators. In the heart, pacemakers are able to work and secrete in a pulsatile manner. A pulsatile secretion pattern is critical to the function of many hormones in order to maintain the delicate homeostatic balance necessary for essential life processes, such as development and reproduction. Variations of the concentration in a certain frequency can be critical to hormone function, as evidenced by the case of GnRH agonists, which cause functional inhibition of the receptor for GnRH due to profound downregulation in response to constant (tonic) stimulation. Pulsatility may function to sensitize target tissues to the hormone of interest and upregulate receptors, leading to improved responses. This heightened response may have served to improve the animal's fitness in its environment and promote its evolutionary retention.

Neuropeptide VF precursor, also known as pro-FMRFamide-related neuropeptide VF or RFamide-related peptide precursor, is a propeptide that in mammals is encoded by the NPVF (or RPFP) gene. The NPVF gene, and thus the propeptide, are expressed in neurons in the mediobasal hypothalamus. The propeptide is cleaved to form three other peptides, which are:

Kisspeptin, neurokinin B, and dynorphin (KNDy) neurons are neurons in the hypothalamus of the brain that are central to the hormonal control of reproduction.


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