List of Book of Mormon people

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This list is intended as a quick reference for individuals mentioned in the Book of Mormon.



Names with superscripts (e.g., Nephi1) are numbered according to the index in the LDS scripture, the Book of Mormon. [1] Missing indices indicate people in the index who are not in the Book of Mormon; for instance, Aaron1 is the biblical Aaron, brother of Moses.



















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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Plates of Nephi</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lachoneus</span> Chief judge of the Nephites, AD 1-29

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">King Mosiah I</span> Book of Mormon character

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Zeram, Amnor, Manti, and Limher</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Amaleki (Book of Mormon explorer)</span>

According to the Book of Mormon, Amaleki was a Nephite explorer who lived in the Americas in the 2nd century BC. He is mentioned briefly as one of the brothers of Ammon, and one of sixteen men that were part of Ammon's band. Under the direction of king Mosiah, the band embarked upon a quest from the land of Zarahemla to find the group of Nephites that had left years before to settle in the land of Nephi. Their exploration party wandered in the wilderness for 40 days before finally stumbling upon the people of Zeniff, who mistook them for Lamanite spies and threw them in prison. Ammon's band was eventually released and helped the people of Zeniff escape the occupation of the Lamanites and return to Zarahemla.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ammon (Book of Mormon explorer)</span>

In the Book of Mormon, Ammon is a Mulekite descendant and leader of a Nephite expedition from Zarahemla, sent to discover the fate of Zeniff and his people. Zeniff and his followers left Zarahemla and travelled to Nephi, their ancestral home, which was then in the possession of the Lamanites. This may have contributed to his expedition, not knowing the actual route to Nephi.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Gadianton robbers</span> Secret society in Book of Mormon

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Coriantumr (Nephite dissenter)</span> Nephite dissenter and captain of Lamanite armies (Helaman 1)

According to the Book of Mormon, Coriantumr (/ˌkɒriˈæntəmər/) was a Nephite dissenter and Lamanite captain. Coriantumr led the Lamanite armies against the Nephites in an attempt to conquer the land. He was countered by Moronihah and Lehi, eventually dying in battle.


  1. Index
  2. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «ăm´gĭd»
  3. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «är-kē-ăn´tus»
  4. 1 2 3 "A Chronological Setting for the Epistles of Mormon to Moroni - Alan C. Miner - Journal of Book of Mormon Studies - Volume 3 - Issue 2". Archived from the original on 2011-07-10. Retrieved 2010-10-15.
  5. "The Jaredites," The Juvenile Instructor, [1 May 1892], p. 282 n.
  6. Chapter 48, Book of Mormon Student Manual, Religion 121 and 122, 1996
  7. "Understanding the Scriptures", "Ether 2 The Jaredites Build Barges", Book of Mormon Seminary Student Study Guide, [2000]
  8. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «kōm»
  9. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «kōr-ē-ăn´tun»
  10. Ether11:19
  11. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «kōr´um»
  12. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «kū-ma-nī´hä»
  13. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «ē´mer»
  14. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «ĕm´rän»
  15. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «ĕz´rum»
  16. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «ē-zī´us»
  17. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «gĭd-ē-ăn´hī»
  18. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «gĭd-dō´nä»
  19. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «gĭd-gĭd-dō´nä»
  20. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «gĭl´gä»
  21. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «hē´lum»
  22. 1 2 Mosiah1:2
  23. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «hē´lĕm»
  24. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «hē-lōr´um»
  25. Mosiah1:2-8
  26. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «hĕm»
  27. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «jĕn´ē-um»
  28. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «kĭm´nōr»
  29. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «kū´mun»
  30. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «kū´ma-nän´hī»
  31. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «lā´mä»
  32. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «lē-hän´tī»
  33. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «lĭb»
  34. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «lĭm´hä»
  35. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «lūr´um»
  36. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «ma-thō´nī»
  37. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «măth-ō-nī´hä»
  38. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «mōr-ē-ăn´tun»
  39. Ether11:14-18
  40. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «myū´la-kī»
  41. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «nē-fī´hä»
  42. Alma4:17-18
  43. Alma 50:37-39
  44. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «nē´um»
  45. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «nĭm´rä»
  46. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «pā´kus»
  47. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «pā-kyū´mĕn-ī»
  48. Helaman1:3
  49. Helaman1:13
  50. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «pā´gäg»
  51. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «rĭp-lā´kĭsh»
  52. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «sē-ăn´tum»
  53. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «sē-zōr´um»
  54. Helaman8:27-28
  55. See also Helaman9:20-37
  56. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «shā´rud»
  57. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «shĕm´nän»
  58. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «shĕr´um»
  59. Nibley, Hugh & Hummel, Sharman Bookwalter (ed.) Nibley's Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 1 (2013), ASIN: B00GFY0GUO
  60. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «shĕz»
  61. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «shĭb´lum»
  62. Shiblom is mentioned in Ether 1:11-12, where he is identified as Shiblon, but it is clear from the context that it is the same individual whose troubled reign is described in Ether 11:4-9.
  63. Mormon6:14
  64. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «shūl»
  65. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «tē-äm´ner»
  66. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «tū´ba-läth»
  67. Hel. 1:16-17
  68. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «zĕm-na-rī´hä»
  69. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «zēn´a-fī»
  70. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «zĕr-a-hĕm´nä»
  71. "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «zē´rum»