List of states in Zhou Dynasty

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States during the Spring and Autumn period Chinese plain 5c. BC with Yue-en.png
States during the Spring and Autumn period

The following ancient Chinese states were parts of the geopolitical milieu during the Zhou dynasty of early China, during one or more of its main chronological subdivisions: the Western Zhou period, Spring and Autumn period, and Warring States period. Listed below are the names of various polities, the aristocratic houses and lineages of their ruling families, locations relative to modern Chinese geography, noble titles of the rulers, start and end years, and conquerors.

Zhou royal family

Name of stateFamilyPresent locationTitleStart and end yearConquerorSource
Western Zhou (西周) Ji (姬姓)Nominal rule over all under Heaven, directly controlling the capital of Fenghao, Zongzhou (present Xi'an, Shaanxi Province), Luoyi, Chengzhou (present Luoyang, Henan Province), and nearby areas.King (Son of Heaven)1046771 BCE Shen, Quanrong Basic Annals of Zhou
Eastern Zhou (东周)JiNominal rule (loosely) over all under Heaven, in reality only controlling a small area around the capital city of Luoyi (present Luoyang)King (Son of Heaven)770256 BCE Qin Basic Annals of Zhou

States during the Western Zhou and Spring and Autumn periods (1046–403 BCE)

Main States

Name of stateFamilyPresent locationTitleStart and end yearConquerorSource
Qin Yíng and Zhao [1] South central Shaanxi Province and eastern Gansu Province;
later expanded into Sichuan Province, Chongqing, western Henan Province, western Hubei Province, and other areas. Unified in 221 BCE.
  • Zhong and Bo (conferred in 770 BCE)
  • Wang (self-proclaimed from 325 BCE)
  • Emperor (in 288 BCE, called the "emperor" of the west, respected Qi as the "emperor" of the east, later abolished)
  • Emperor of China (renamed after the unification of the country in 221 BCE)
Approximately 900206 BCE Western Chu Hegemon-King Xiang Yu and Emperor Gaozu of Han Basic Annals of Qin (秦本纪),

Chronicles of the First Emperor (始皇本纪)

Wey (衛) Ji (姬姓) and


Qi County and Puyang City, Henan Province Hou, Jun (renamed 330 BCE)1040209 BCE Qin 《卫康叔世家》
Zuo Zhuan
Yue SiAlong Zhejiang Province
Conquered by Qin Dynasty in 222 BCE, 建閩中郡, 秦亡後受漢朝封為Minyue, 東甌二國
Zi (自称为Wang)c. 20th century BCE222 BCE Qin, (222-111 BCE 為閩越, 東甌二國, 皆亡於Han dynasty)《越王勾践世家》
Zuo Zhuan
Yan (燕) Ji (姬姓) and 燕氏 Southern Liaoning Province, Beijing, Tianjin, Northern Hebei Province Hou, Wang (323 BCE 起自稱)1046222 BCE Qin 《燕召公世家》
Zuo Zhuan
Chu 芈姓 熊氏 Hubei Province, Henan Province南部, 后扩张至Anhui Province, Jiangxi Province, Hunan Province, Jiangsu Province, parts of Zhejiang Province Zi (704 BCE 起自称为 Wang)建於商代, 1046 BCE受封–223 BCE Qin 《楚世家》
Zuo Zhuan
Lu Ji (姬姓) and 魯氏 Shandong Province 曲阜市 Hou 1046256 BCE Chu 《鲁周公世家》
Zuo Zhuan
Song 子姓 and Song (宋氏) Henan Province Shangqiu, 通許縣一帶 Gong, Wang (323 BCE 起自称)1040286 BCE 田氏齊國, 魏國, Chu 《宋微子世家》
Zuo Zhuan
Jin, originally known as Tang Ji (姬姓) and 晉氏 Shanxi Province, Henan Province北部, Shaanxi Province東部, Hebei Province西部一帶 Hou 1033349 BCE韓國, 趙國, 魏國(三家分晉)《晉世家》
Zuo Zhuan
Zheng Ji (姬姓) and 鄭氏 Shaanxi Province 華縣
後遷Henan Province 新鄭市
Bo 806375 BCE韓國《鄭世家》
Zuo Zhuan
Qi, historically known as Tian Qi Jiang (姜姓) 吕氏 Shandong Province東部, Hebei Province南部一帶 Hou 1046386 BCE 田氏齊國 《齐太公世家》
Zuo Zhuan
Cai Ji (姬姓) and Cai (蔡氏) Henan Province 新蔡縣 Hou 1046447 BCE Chu 《管蔡世家》
Zuo Zhuan
Wu Ji (姬姓) and 姑发氏 Jiangsu Province, Anhui Province東部一帶 Zi (自称为Wang)1096473 BCE越國《吴太伯世家》
Zuo Zhuan
Chen 媯姓 陳氏 Henan Province 淮陽县 Hou 1046478 BCE Chu 《陳杞世家》
Zuo Zhuan
Cao Ji (姬姓) and Cao (曹氏) Shandong Province, Dingtao district西南 Bo 1046487 BCE Song 《管蔡世家》
Zuo Zhuan

Vassal states within the capital region (畿内) or fiefs granted to the aristocratic families during the Zhou dynasty

Name of stateFamilyPresent locationTitleStart and end yearConqueror
酆國 Ji (姬姓) Shaanxi Province 戶縣 Hou 10461023 BCE Zhou Dynasty
樊國 Ji (姬姓) and Fán (樊氏) 初封于Shaanxi Province西安市长安区东南. 后迁于今Henan Province济源市. Bo 周宣王时-635 BCE Jin
單國 Ji (姬姓) 單氏 原在Shaanxi Province眉县, 后随周王室东迁至Henan Province孟津县东南 Zi 周文王时期-春秋时期 Zhou Dynasty
召國 Ji (姬姓) and Shao (邵氏) Shaanxi Province 岐山縣西南 Gong 1046 BCE
梁國 嬴姓 and Liang (梁氏) Shaanxi Province, Weinan city 韩城一帶
後遷Shanxi Province 解县
Bo 821641 BCE Qin
毛國 Ji (姬姓) and Mao (毛氏) 陝西岐山縣, 扶風縣一帶
後遷Henan Province 宜阳县
Bo 1046 BCE Qin
Bi Ji (姬姓) and Bi (畢氏) Shaanxi Province, Xianyang Gong 1046 BCE Xirong (西戎)
井國 Jiang (姜姓) 井氏 Shaanxi Province宝鸡市 Bo 衛國
周國 Ji (姬姓) and Zhōu (周氏) Shaanxi Province, Baoji, 鳳翔縣 Gong 1046 BCE
王叔國 Ji (姬姓) Gong 周襄王時建立
溫國 己姓 蘇氏 Henan Province 溫縣西南 Zi 1046650 BCE北狄
劉國 Ji (姬姓) 劉氏 Henan Province 偃師市 緱氏鎮西南 Zi 712455 BCE Zhou Dynasty
榮國 Ji (姬姓) 榮氏 Henan Province 鞏義市一帶 Gong 1046 BCE
甘國 Ji (姬姓) and Gan (甘氏]) Henan Province 原陽縣 Gong 周襄王時建立
尹國 姞姓 and Yǐn (尹氏]) Henan Province新安县东南部, 宜阳县西北部. Gong 770513 BCE Jin
甘國 Ji (姬姓) and Gan (甘氏]) Shaanxi Province 鄠县 Gong 周武王時建立
原國 Ji (姬姓) 原氏 Henan Province 濟源市原鄉 Gong 1046 BCE Jin
詹國 Ji (姬姓) and Zhan (詹氏]) 今地不详, 据说是于镐京西京筑城, 赐土南至于京, 北达于燕 Hou 827 BCE Chu
鞏國 Ji (姬姓) 鞏氏 Henan Province鞏義市孝義鎮西康店村516 BCE Jin
應國 Ji (姬姓) and Yīng (應氏]) Henan Province, Pingdingshan Gong 1046 BCE Chu
大骆国 嬴姓赵氏 Gong 西戎

States located in present Henan province

Name of stateFamilyPresent locationTitleStart and end yearConqueror
殷國 子姓殷氏 Henan Province, Anyang Gong 10461040 BCE Zhou Dynasty
王叔國 Ji (姬姓) Henan Province 孟津县西南 Gong 周襄王時建立-563 BCE
溫國 己姓 蘇氏 Henan Province 溫縣西南 Zi  ? -650 BCE北狄
劉國 Ji (姬姓) 劉氏 Henan Province 偃師市緱氏鎮西南 Zi 592 BCE? Zhou Dynasty
榮國 Ji (姬姓) 榮氏 Henan Province鞏義市一帶 Gong
甘國 Ji (姬姓) Gan (甘氏]) Henan Province 原陽縣 Gong 周襄王時建立
尹國 姞姓 Yǐn (尹氏]) Henan Province新安县 Gong
單國 Ji (姬姓) 單氏 Henan Province濟源市東南 Bo Zhou Dynasty
鞏國 Ji (姬姓) 鞏氏 Henan Province鞏義市孝義鎮西康店村 ? -516 BCE Jin
應國 Ji (姬姓) 應氏 Henan Province Pingdingshan city Gong 1046 BCE春秋中期 Chu
原國 Ji (姬姓) 原氏 Henan Province 濟源市原鄉 Gong 1046 BCE563 BCE Jin
Yan(燕) 姞姓燕氏 Henan Province 延津縣東北 Bo 商代-? Zheng
鄢國 Henan Province 鄢陵縣西北 Zheng
密國 Ji (姬姓) Henan Province 新密市 Zheng
胡國 Ji (姬姓) 胡氏 Henan Province 漯河市 郾城区, 舞陽縣一帶 ? -763 BCE Zheng
焦國 Ji (姬姓) 焦氏 Henan Province 三門峡市西十里鋪一帶 Bo 1046 BCE775 BCE西虢國
共國 Ji (姬姓) Henan Province 輝縣市西北, (一說甘肅省涇川縣) Bo 衞國
凡國 Ji (姬姓) Henan Province輝縣市西南 Bo  ?-716 BCE北戎
葛國 嬴姓葛氏 Henan Province 修武縣 Bo 商代-? Song
東虢國 Ji (姬姓)虢(郭)氏 Henan Province 滎陽市 可能是BoHou 1046 BCE767 BCE Zheng
杞國 Si (姒姓) 杞氏 Henan Province 杞縣, 後遷Shandong Province 昌樂縣, 又遷Shandong Province安丘市 Bo
商代-445 BCE Chu
謝國 任姓謝氏 Henan Province 南陽市 Hou 商代-841 BCE Zhou Dynasty, 申國
申國 Jiang (姜姓) 申氏 Henan Province南陽市 Hou 841 BCE688/680 BCE Chu
呂國 Jiang (姜姓)呂氏 Henan Province南陽市 Hou 虞夏-688/680 BCE Chu
鄶國 妘姓 Henan Province新密市東北 ? -769 BCE Zheng
戴國 子姓戴氏 Henan Province 蘭考縣 Gong  ? -713 BCE Zheng
息國(鄎國) Ji (姬姓) Henan Province 息縣 Hou  ? -680 BCE Chu
黃國 嬴姓黃氏 Henan Province 潢川縣 Zi 商代-648 BCE Chu
蓼國(鄝國, 廖國, 飂國) Ji (姬姓) 廖氏 Henan Province 唐河縣 湖阳镇 Chu
蓼國(繆國)Yan(偃)繆氏 Henan Province 固始縣東北蓼城岡 Hou  ? -622 BCE Chu
潘國(番國) Ji (姬姓) 潘氏 Henan Province 荥阳市 1046 BCE504 BCE Chu
光國 己姓 Henan Province 潢川县, 光山县 Zi  ? -7世紀黃國
偪國 姞姓
弦國 隗姓
一說Ji (姬姓)
Henan Province 光山縣, 潢川縣 Zi  ? -655 BCE Chu
滑國 Ji (姬姓) Henan Province 偃師市南緱氏城 Bo  ? -627 BCE Qin
江國 嬴姓江氏 Henan Province 正陽縣, 息縣一帶1040 BCE623 BCE Chu
邘國 Ji (姬姓) Henan Province 沁陽市西萬鎮邘邰村(一說Shaanxi Province 郿縣) Jin
蔣國 Ji (姬姓) 蔣氏 Henan Province固始縣蔣集鎮 Bo 1040 BCE617 BCE Chu
邶國 Henan Province 湯陰縣東南11th century BCE?
祭國 Ji (姬姓) Henan Province 鄭州市東北祭城村 Bo 1040 BCE769 BCE Zheng
道國 Henan Province 確山縣或息縣 Chu
柏國 柏氏 Henan Province舞陽縣, 西平縣 Zi Chu
胙國 Ji (姬姓) Henan Province延津縣北古胙城1040 BCE?郑国
雍國 Ji (姬姓) 雍氏 Henan Province 修武縣 1046 BCE? Jin
項國 項氏 Henan Province 項城市  ? -643 BCE Lu
頓國 Henan Province項城市, 商水縣 Zi 1046 BCE496 BCE Chu
管國 Ji (姬姓) 管氏 Henan Province鄭州市 Hou 1046 BCE1040 BCE Zhou Dynasty
檀國 Henan Province濟源市 Bo
房國 祁姓房氏 Henan Province 遂平縣
Zi  ? -529 BCE Chu
莘國 Henan Province 汝南縣西北
許國 Jiang (姜姓) 許氏 Henan Province 许昌市, 被Chu迁到叶县 1046 BCE481 BCE Chu
韋國 Ji (姬姓) 韋氏 Henan Province滑县东南五十里的妹村一带, 后迁至Shandong Province成武县, 又西迁于彭国(今Jiangsu Province省徐州市) Bo ca. 11th century BCE?
東不羹國 赢姓 Henan Province舞陽縣北 Chu
西不羹國 Henan Province 襄城縣東南 Chu

In Shaanxi province

Name of stateFamilyPresent locationTitleStart and end yearConqueror
酆國 Ji (姬姓) Shaanxi Province戶縣東 Hou 1046 BCE1023 BCE Zhou Dynasty
樊國 Ji (姬姓) Fán (樊氏) 初封于Shaanxi Province西安市长安区东南, 后迁于今Henan Province济源市 ? -635 BCE Jin
周國 Ji (姬姓) Zhōu (周氏) Shaanxi Province寶雞市鳳翔縣 Gong 1046 BCE?
召國 Ji (姬姓) Shao (召氏) Shaanxi Province岐山縣西南 Gong 1046 BCE?
詹國 Ji (姬姓) Zhan (詹氏]) 今地不详, 据说是于镐京西京(今西安市长安区西北)筑城, 赐土南至于京, 北达于燕 Bo 827 BCE?
毛國 Ji (姬姓) Mao (毛氏) 陝西岐山縣, 扶風縣一帶
後遷Henan Province宜阳县
Bo 1046 BCE516 BCE Qin
Bi Ji (姬姓) 畢氏 Shaanxi Province咸陽市 Gong 1046 BCE春秋初期西戎
井国 Jiang (姜姓) 井氏 Shaanxi Province宝鸡市 Bo
梁國 嬴姓Liang (梁氏) Shaanxi Province 韓城市 Bo 8世紀-641 BCE Qin
北芮国 Ji (姬姓) -{芮氏}- Shaanxi Province韩城市境内梁带村 Bo 1046 BCE640 BCE Qin
南芮国 Ji (姬姓)-{芮氏}- Shaanxi Province大荔县朝邑镇 Bo 806 BCE? Qin
小虢國 Ji (姬姓)虢(郭)氏 Shaanxi Province寶雞市東 Gong 春秋初期-687 BCE Qin
崇國 崇氏 Shaanxi Province戶縣東
[[韓國 (Western Zhou)|韓國]] Ji (姬姓) 韓氏 Shaanxi Province韓城市
一說Hebei Province 固安縣
Hou  ? -757 BCE Jin
杜國 祁姓杜氏 Shaanxi Province西安市長安区東南 Bo
郝国 风姓郝氏 Shaanxi Province户县祖庵镇郝村, (一说Shanxi Province太原市郝乡)11th century BCE7th century BCE Qin
密须国 姞姓 Shaanxi Province 灵台县治西50华里之百里镇.ca. 21th century BCEca. 10th century BCE Zhou Dynasty
驪戎 Ji (姬姓) [2] Jin

In Shanxi province

Name of stateFamilyPresent locationTitleStart and end yearConqueror
西虢國(南虢國) Ji (姬姓) Shanxi Province 平陸縣東北和Henan Province三門峽市之間, 西到今Henan Province靈寶市, Shaanxi Province華縣, 潼關一帶,

南界至今Henan Province盧氏縣, 東西跨度約200公里, 南北長約100公里

Gong 1046 BCE655 BCE Jin
北虢國(東虢國) Ji (姬姓) Shanxi Province 平陸縣 Possibly Bo or Hou 春秋初期-655 BCE Jin
荀国(郇國) Ji (姬姓) 荀氏 Shanxi Province 新絳縣東北 Hou 1046 BCE7th century BCE Jin
冀國 祁姓冀氏 Shanxi Province 河津市舊冀亭1046 BCE? Jin
董國 己姓董氏 Shanxi Province 闻喜县东, 東鎮, 礼元鎮一带 Hou ca. 21th century BCEca. 7th century BCE Jin
賈國 Ji (姬姓) 賈氏 Shanxi Province 襄汾縣
(一說今Hebei Province 容城縣西南)
Bo 11世紀-678 BCE Jin
楊國 Ji (姬姓) 楊氏 Shanxi Province 洪洞縣東南 Hou 786 BCEca. 7th century BCE Jin
耿國 Ji (姬姓) 耿氏 Shanxi Province 河津市耿城 ? -661 BCE Jin
魏國 Ji (姬姓) 魏氏 Shanxi Province 芮城縣 Hou  ? -661 BCE Jin
霍國 Ji (姬姓) 霍氏 Shanxi Province 霍州市西南 Hou 1046 BCE661 BCE Jin
虞國 Ji (姬姓) 虞氏 Shanxi Province平陸縣, 夏縣一帶 Gong 1046 BCE655 BCE Jin
沈國 Along the banks of Fen River in Shanxi Province Ji (姬姓) Jin
姒國 Along the banks of Fen River in Shanxi Province Ji (姬姓) Jin
蓐國 Along the banks of Fen River in Shanxi Province Ji (姬姓) Jin
黄國 Along the banks of Fen River in Shanxi Province Ji (姬姓) Jin
倗國 Shanxi Province 运城市 绛县 Bo Jin
霸國 媿姓霸氏 Shanxi Province 临汾市 翼城县 Bo Jin
黎國 祁姓黎氏 Shanxi Province 黎城縣東北 Hou  ? -604 BCE潞氏
代國 子姓 Shanxi Province东北趙國

In Shandong Province

國名姓氏今地爵位起迄 BCE滅國者
祝國(祝其國, 其國) Ji (姬姓) 祝氏 Shandong Province 济南市 長清区東北祝阿故城1046 BCE768 BCE Qi
聶國 Jiang (姜姓) 聶氏 Shandong Province 茌平縣西
紀國 Jiang (姜姓) 紀氏 Shandong Province 壽光市 Hou 商代-690 BCE Qi
鄅國 妘姓禹氏 Shandong Province 臨沂市, 兰陵縣, 沂南縣一帶 Zi Lu
邾國(鄒國, 邾婁國)曹姓朱氏 Shandong Province 鄒城市 Zi 1046 BCE281 BCE Chu
莒國 己姓莒氏
Shandong Province 膠州市, 莒縣 Zi 1046 BCE431 BCE Chu
向國 Jiang (姜姓) 向氏 Shandong Province莒縣西南 Zi  ? -721 BCE莒國
極國(遽国) Ji (姬姓) 遽氏 Shandong Province 金鄉縣 ? -721 BCE Lu
邿國(詩國, 寺國)妊姓 Shandong Province 濟寧市東南 ? -560 BCE Lu
滕國 Ji (姬姓) 滕氏 Shandong Province 滕州市 Hou, 又稱Zi 1046 BCE297 BCE Song
薛國 任姓薛氏 Shandong Province滕州市 Hou, Bo 夏代-298 BCE Qi, 魏國
郳國(小邾國, 小邾婁國)曹姓倪氏
Shandong Province滕州市東 Zi ca. 20th century BCE(653 BCE改国号小邾)-325 BCE Chu
濫國 曹姓山东滕州市羊莊镇土城村643 BCE510 BCE鲁國
郯國 己姓 Shandong Province 郯城縣西南 Zi  ? -414 BCE Chu(一說是越國)
鄟國 Shandong Province郯城縣東北 ? -585 BCE Lu
郕國(成國, 宬國) Ji (姬姓) 成氏 Shandong Province 汶上縣 Bo 1046 BCE408 BCE Qi, Lu(一說是Chu)
宿國 風姓 宿氏 Shandong Province 東平縣西南1046 BCE684 BCE Song
譚國 Si (姒姓) 譚氏 Shandong Province濟南市東南 Zi 1046 BCE684 BCE Qi
遂國 媯姓 Shandong Province 寧陽縣西北夏代-681 BCE Qi
須句國 風姓 Shandong Province 東平縣西須句城 Zi  ? -639 BCE邾國
鄫國(繒國) Si (姒姓) 曾氏 Shandong Province 棗莊市 Zi 夏代-567 BCE莒國
鄣國 Jiang (姜姓) 章氏 Shandong Province 平陰縣  ? -664 BCE Qi
淳于國(州國) Jiang (姜姓) 淳于氏 Shandong Province 安丘市東北部 Gong 1046 BCE?杞國
郜國 Ji (姬姓) 郜氏 Shandong Province 成武縣東南 Zi 1046 BCE春秋初期 Song
茅國 Ji (姬姓) 茅氏 Shandong Province金鄉縣 Bo 1046 BCE?邾國
任國 風姓任氏 Shandong Province濟寧市 Qi
邳國 任姓薛氏 Shandong Province滕州市南, Jiangsu Province 邳州市東北 Bo, Hou 夏代-? Chu
牟國 牟氏 Shandong Province 萊蕪市 Zi 鲁国
根牟國 Jiang (姜姓) Shandong Province 莒南縣 岭泉镇小官莊, 墩後村一帶1046 BCE600 BCE Lu
於餘邱國(餘邱國) Shandong Province 臨沭縣
偪陽國(傅陽國) 妘姓 Shandong Province棗莊市 Zi  ? -563 BCE Jin, Lu, Qi, Song, 衛國, 曹國等
郭國 任姓郭氏 Shandong Province 聊城市 東昌府区東北 Bo(商朝時, 郭國降為子爵) ? -670 BCE Qi
顓臾國 風姓 Shandong Province 平邑縣 [ citation needed ] Qin
鑄國 祁姓 Shandong Province 肥城市, 寧陽縣界之鑄鄉 Qi
陽國 Ji (姬姓) 陽氏 Shandong Province 沂水縣 Hou  ? -660 BCE Qi
費國 季姓 費氏 Shandong Province 費縣 Chu
諸國 Si (姒姓) 諸氏
Shandong Province 諸城市, 安丘市一帶
介國(夷國)妘姓 Shandong Province 青島市 莒国
阚国 阚氏 Shandong Province 嘉祥县
過國 任姓寒氏 Shandong Province 煙台市萊州市夏代-?
萊國(萊夷國) Shandong Province 龙口市東南萊子城 Hou, Gong  ? -567 BCE Qi
戎國 Shandong Province 曹縣 Qi
蔑國 Shandong Province 泗水县 鲁國

In Hubei Province

Name of stateFamilyPresent locationTitleStart and end yearConqueror
鄀國 Henan Province 內鄉縣
後遷Hubei Province 宜城市東南
Zi Chu
軫國 Yan(偃) Hubei Province 應城市西 Chu
鄂國 姞姓鄂氏 Hubei Province 隨州市 安居鎮 Hou 商代-? Chu
隨国 Ji (姬姓) Hubei Province隨州市 Hou Chu
曾國(鄫國)曾氏 Hubei Province 棗陽市 Hou
夔國(隗国, 歸國)羋姓熊氏 Hubei Province 秭歸縣 Zi(自稱為Wang) ? -634 BCE Chu
羅國 羋姓羅氏 Hubei Province 宜城市 Zi 商代-690 BCE Chu
鄧國 曼姓 鄧氏 Hubei Province 襄阳市
(一說Henan Province 鄧州市)
Hou 商代-678 BCE Chu
權國 子姓權氏
Hubei Province 荊門市 沙洋县 Gong 12世紀-7世紀 Chu
鄖國 嬴姓
一說為妘姓或Ji (姬姓)
Hubei Province 安陸市 Zi Chu
絞國 Yan(偃) Hubei Province 十堰市 鄖阳区西北 Chu
賴國(厲國) Jiang (姜姓) 賴氏 Hubei Province隨州市東北
一說Henan Province 鹿邑縣商城縣
 ? -581 BCE Chu
鄾國 曼姓 Hubei Province襄阳市襄州区 张湾镇 Zi Chu
廩國 Chu
穀國 嬴姓谷氏 Hubei Province 穀城縣西北 Bo  ? -ca. 20th century BCE Chu
貳國 Hubei Province 广水市 Chu
州國(西州國)Yan(偃) Hubei Province 監利市東州陵城 Gong Chu
庸国(鄘國) Hubei Province 竹山縣上庸胡城 ? -611 BCE Chu, Qin, 巴國
麇国 Hubei Province鄖縣 Zi  ? -611 BCE Chu
唐國 祁姓唐氏 Hubei Province 隨縣, 棗陽市一帶 Hou  ? -505 BCE Chu
聃國 Ji (姬姓) Hubei Province 荊門市
一疑在Anhui Province 阜陽市
1040 BCE Western Zhou晚期 Chu
卢国(盧戎國)妫姓卢氏 Hubei Province襄阳市 Zi  ? -690 BCE Chu
陰國 Hubei Province 老河口市  ? -532 BCE Chu
西黃國 在今Hubei Province宜城市东南的汉水以东(或说在今Sichuan Province) ? -ca. 7th century BCE Chu

In Chongqing

Name of stateFamilyPresent locationTitleStart and end yearConqueror
魷國(魚國)儿姓鱼复(今重庆奉节白帝城) Bo  ? -612 BCE Chu
巴國 Ji (姬姓) Sichuan Province東部一帶 Zi 1046 BCE316 BCE Qin

In Sichuan Province

Name of stateFamilyPresent locationTitleStart and end yearConqueror
蜀國 杜姓, 开明氏 Sichuan Province中部一帶沒有臣服于中原王朝, 所以沒有爵位. 後代君主稱"". ? -316 BCE Qin

In Anhui Province

Name of stateFamilyPresent locationTitleStart and end yearConqueror
沈國 Ji (姬姓) 沈氏 Henan Province 平輿縣 射桥镇古城村, Anhui Province 臨泉縣一帶 Zi 1040 BCE506 BCE蔡國
六國(錄國)Yan(偃) Anhui Province 六安市 Bo 1046 BCE622 BCE Chu
英國 Yan(偃)英氏 Anhui Province六安市1046 BCE646 BCE Chu
桐國 Yan(偃) Anhui Province 桐城市 Chu
養國 嬴姓 Anhui Province 临泉县 杨桥镇 Bo  ? -528 BCE Chu
蕭國 子姓蕭氏 Anhui Province 蕭縣西北 Hou  ? -579 BCE Chu
舒國 Yan(偃)舒氏 Anhui Province 舒城縣池鄉 Zi 1046 BCE657 BCE徐國
舒庸國 Yan(偃) Anhui Province舒城縣1046 BCE574 BCE Chu
舒鳩國 Yan(偃) Anhui Province舒城縣1046 BCE548 BCE Chu
舒蓼國(蓼國)Yan(偃) Henan Province 固始縣, Anhui Province 霍邱縣一帶1046 BCE601 BCE Chu
舒龍國 Yan(偃)1046 BCE Chu
舒龔國 Yan(偃)1046 BCE Chu
舒鮑國 Yan(偃)1046 BCE Chu
宗國 Yan(偃)宗氏 Anhui Province舒城縣, 廬江縣一帶 Chu
巢國 Yan(偃)巢氏 Anhui Province 巢湖市 Bo  ? -518 BCE吳國
皖國 Yan(偃)
Anhui Province 潜山县 Bo 1046 BCE? Chu
廬國 Anhui Province 合肥市 Zi 1046 BCE? Chu
鍾離國 嬴姓鍾離氏 Anhui Province 鳳陽縣 Zi Chu
州來國 Anhui Province 鳳台縣 Chu
南胡國 Gui(媯姓)Hu(胡氏) Anhui Province 阜陽市 Zi  ? -496 BCE Chu
越章国 芈姓熊氏 Anhui Province 铜陵市, 义安区一带. Zi 880 BCE?

In Jiangsu Province

Name of stateFamilyPresent locationTitleStart and end yearConqueror
Han (邗) Jiangsu Province 揚州市東南1046 BCE?
鍾吾國 Jiangsu Province 宿遷市 Zi  ? -518 BCE吳國
彭國 彭氏 Jiangsu Province徐州市
徐國 嬴姓徐氏 Shandong Province郯城縣, Jiangsu Province徐州市 Hou, Zi(曾自稱Wang) ? -512 BCE吳國
奄国 Jiangsu Province 常州市 武进区 春秋早期-?吳國

In Hebei Province

Name of stateFamilyPresent locationTitleStart and end yearConqueror
肥國 Hebei Province 藁城縣一帶 ? -530 BCE Jin
鼓國 Ji (姬姓) Hebei Province 晉州市西 ? -521 BCE Jin
邢國 Ji (姬姓) Hebei Province 邢台市 Hou 1040 BCE635 BCE衛國, Jin
代國 子姓 Hebei Province西北趙國

In Liaoning Province

Name of stateFamilyPresent locationTitleStart and end yearConqueror
孤竹國 子姓墨胎氏 遼宁省朝陽市西南 Hou 商代初期-664 BCE Yan, Qi

In Korean Peninsula

Name of stateFamilyPresent locationTitleStart and end yearConqueror
箕國 子姓朝鮮半島北部 Hou 周代初期-漢代初期 衛氏朝鮮

Tribes or states outside the vassalage of the Zhou Dynasty

Name of stateFamilyPresent locationTitleStart and end yearConqueror
鮮虞國 Ji (姬姓)  ? -506 BCE(重建為中山國) Jin
義渠國 義渠商代-272 BCE Qin
燕京戎 Shanxi Province 靜樂縣, 祁縣, 介休市一帶 Zhou Dynasty
綿諸國 Qin
山戎 齐國
陸渾戎 ? -525 BCE Jin
伊洛戎 韩国, 魏国
犬戎 [3] Qin
西戎 Qin
戎蠻(蠻氏, 曼氏) Henan Province 汝阳縣东南, 临汝縣西南 Zi  ? -491 BCE Chu
白狄 Ji (姬姓) Jin
赤狄 Jin
長狄 漆姓 Jin
仇由  ? -5th century BCE Jin
甲氏 媿姓 ? -593 BCE Jin
鐸辰 媿姓 ? -593 BCE Jin
留吁 媿姓 ? -593 BCE Jin
嗇咎如 媿姓 ? -588 BCE Jin
潞氏(東山皋落氏)媿姓 Shanxi Province 潞城縣東北 Zi 604 BCE594 BCE Jin
茅戎 Jin
鄋瞒  ? -594 BCE Jin
無終國 Qi
令支國 Yan

States during the Warring States period (403 BCE – 221 BCE)

Main States

Name of stateFamilyPresent locationTitleStart and end yearConqueror
Qin 嬴姓秦氏 [1] Shaanxi Province中南部, 甘肅省東部, Sichuan Province, 重庆市, Henan Province西部, Hubei Province西部等地区. 221 BCE统一全国.仲, Bo(770 BCE受封), Wang(325 BCE起自稱), 帝(288 BCE自稱西"帝", 尊齊為東"帝", 後取消), 皇帝(221 BCE统一全国後改称)770 BCE206 BCEWestern Chu
Yan(燕) Ji (姬姓)燕氏遼寧省南部, 北京市, 天津市, Hebei Province北部一帶 Hou, Wang(323 BCE起自稱)1046 BCE221 BCE Qin
Chu 羋姓熊氏 Hubei Province, 湖南省北部, Anhui Province西部, 江西省西部, Henan Province南部一帶, 后扩张至Jiangsu Province和浙江省 Zi, Wang(704 BCE起自称)建於商代, 1046 BCE受封-223 BCE Qin
趙國 嬴姓趙氏 [1] [4] Hebei Province西部, Shanxi Province北部, 內蒙古自治區南部一帶 Hou, Wang(296 BCE起自称)403 BCE222 BCE Qin
魏國 Ji (姬姓)魏氏 Shanxi Province南部, Henan Province北部和陝西東部, Hebei Province部分地區 Hou, Wang(344 BCE起自称)403 BCE225 BCE Qin
韓國 Ji (姬姓)韓氏 Henan Province一帶 Hou, Wang(324 BCE起自称)403 BCE230 BCE Qin
齊國 媯姓田氏 Shandong Province東部, Hebei Province南部一帶 Hou, Wang(334 BCE起自称)386 BCE221 BCE Qin

Other States

Name of stateFamilyPresent locationTitleStart and end yearConqueror
Qi(史称[[姜Qi]]) Jiang (姜姓)呂氏 Shandong Province東部, Hebei Province南部一帶 Hou 1046 BCE379 BCE田氏齊國
Lu Ji (姬姓)魯氏 Shandong Province曲阜市 Hou 1046 BCE256 BCE Chu
蔡國 Ji (姬姓)蔡氏 Henan Province新蔡縣, 上蔡縣一帶 Hou 1046 BCE447 BCE Chu
衞國 Ji (姬姓)衞氏 Henan Province淇縣, 濮陽市一帶 Hou, Jun(330 BCE起改稱)1040 BCE209 BCE Qin
Song 子姓宋氏, 子姓戴氏 Henan Province商丘市, 通許縣一帶 Gong, Wang(323 BCE起自称)1040 BCE286 BCE田氏齊國, 魏國, Chu
Jin Ji (姬姓)晉氏 Shanxi Province, Henan Province北部, Shaanxi Province東部和Hebei Province東部一帶 Hou 1033 BCE349 BCE韓國, 趙國, 魏國(三家分晉)
越國 Si (姒) 以浙江省為中心, 曾經達到Shandong Province南部和福建省北部 Zi, Wang(自称)2032 BCE222 BCE Qin
鄭國 Ji (姬姓)鄭氏 Henan Province新鄭市 Bo 806 BCE375 BCE韓國
杞國 Si (姒)杞氏 Henan Province杞縣 Bo 1046 BCE445 BCE Chu
邾國(鄒國)曹姓朱氏 Shandong Province鄒城市 Zi 1046 BCE281 BCE Chu
薛國 任姓薛氏 Shandong Province枣莊市薛城 Hou 夏代-298 BCE田氏齐国, 魏國
郳國(小邾國, 小邾婁國)曹姓郳氏
Shandong Province滕州市東 Zi 8th century BCE, 653 BCE改國號-325 BCE Chu
滕國 Ji (姬姓)滕氏 Shandong Province滕州市 Hou, 又稱Zi 1046 BCE297 BCE Song
莒国 己姓莒氏 Shandong Province莒县 Zi 1046 BCE431 BCE Chu
任國 风姓任氏 Shandong Province濟寧市鲁国
郯國 己姓 Shandong Province郯城縣西南 Zi  ? -414 BCE Chu(一說是越國)
費國 季姓費氏 Shandong Province费县鲁国
邳國 任姓 Jiangsu Province邳州市夏代-? Chu
中山國 Ji (姬姓) Hebei Province中部太行山东麓一带 Wang(323 BCE自稱) ? -296 BCE魏國, 趙國
蜀國 Sichuan Province中部一帶未臣服于中原王朝, 故無爵位, 後世稱「帝」 ? -316 BCE Qin
巴國 Ji (姬姓) 重庆市以及Sichuan Province東部部分地区 Zi  ? -316 BCE Qin
苴國 Sichuan Province 廣元市 被蜀国封为Hou 368 BCE316 BCE Qin
安陵國 Ji (姬姓) Henan Province鄢陵县西北Jun Qin

See also

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This article contains the family trees of members of the Liu clan, who ruled the state of Shu Han (221-263) in the Three Kingdoms period (220-280) in China. They were related to the House of Liu, the imperial clan of the Han dynasty.

This article contains the family trees of members of the Cao clan, who ruled the state of Cao Wei (220–265) in the Three Kingdoms period (220–280) in China. Only Cao Cao's lineage is shown in this article. The lineages of his relatives, such as Cao Ren, Cao Zhen and others, are not included here.

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Yao Xiang (331?–357), courtesy name Jingguo, posthumously honored Prince Wu of Wei, was an ethnic Qiang warlord during the Sixteen Kingdoms and Jin dynasty (266–420) in Chinese history. He was the fifth son and heir of the Later Zhao general Yao Yizhong. After the destruction of Zhao and the death of Yizhong in 352, he went south to serve under the Jin dynasty. However, due to animosity between him and the Jin commander, Yin Hao, he broke away and roved the Central Plains to establish a base while fighting against Jin and the Former Qin. Although he suffered major losses from time to time, his charismatic personality allowed him to win and keep the support of the people wherever he went. In the end, he was killed in an ambush in 357 while fighting Qin forces at Sanyuan. After his death, his brother, Yao Chang, surrendered to Qin and became one of its generals. In 384, he rebelled and established the Later Qin, posthumously honouring Yao Xiang as a prince in the process.

Deng Qiang was a Chinese military general of the Former Qin dynasty during the Sixteen Kingdoms period. He came to prominence during the reign of Fu Sheng when he helped defeat and kill the Qiang warlord Yao Xiang, but for most of his career he would serve Sheng's successor, Fu Jian. He was a leading figure in the rise of Former Qin, along with Wang Meng, as he led Fu Jian's army to victory against Zhang Ping and Former Yan. He stamped out corruption in the government and put down the rebellions of Fu Jian's relatives and Zhang Yu (張育). He and his peer Zhang Ci were known as the "Enemies of Ten Thousands (萬人敵)", a title previously held by the generals Guan Yu and Zhang Fei during the end of the Han dynasty.

Fu Xiong, courtesy name Yuancai, originally named Pu Xiong (蒲雄), was a Di military general of Former Zhao and Former Qin during the Sixteen Kingdoms period. He was the father of Fu Jiān, the third ruler of Former Qin. During the confusion following Shi Hu's death, he served as a general under his father Pu Hong, and during the reign of his brother Fu Jiàn, he was given the role of Prime Minister. Fu Xiong's biggest contribution to the state was when he repelled a major invasion from the Grand Marshal of Jin, Huan Wen, at the Battle of Bailu Plain in 354. After Fu Jiān killed Fu Sheng and took the throne in 357, he was posthumously honoured as Emperor Wenhuan.

Yang Ding was a ruler of Chouchi and a military general of Former Qin during the Sixteen Kingdoms period. His family was a part of the Yang clan that ruled Chouchi but fled to Former Qin after they failed to usurp their relatives' throne. Yang Ding became the son-in-law of Qin's ruler, Fu Jian, and after the Battle of Feishui, he became one of the state's most powerful supporters up to its destruction in 394. However, he also took advantage of Qin's period of weakness by restoring the Chouchi state in 385, which had been conquered by Qin in 371. His reign is seen as the start of Later Chouchi (後仇池).

Chen An, courtesy name Huhou, was a Chinese military general and warlord of the Jin dynasty (266–420) and Han-Zhao during the Sixteen Kingdoms period. During the aftermath of the Disaster of Yongjia in northern China, Chen An became a favored general of the Jin prince Sima Bao in Qinzhou, but an assassination attempt on him made by one of Bao's subordinates in 315 prompted him to declare independence in Longcheng. He submitted to the Zhao state in 319 but then rebelled in 322, declaring himself the King of Liang. His reign was short-lived, as he was defeated and executed by Zhao forces the following year.

Yang Nandi was a ruler of Chouchi during the Jin dynasty (266–420) and Sixteen Kingdoms period. He was the son of Yang Maosou who founded Chouchi in 296. During his reign, attacks on Chouchi by Former Zhao and Cheng-Han became more frequent. Nandi met these with mixed results, sometimes having to resort to vassalage, but was ultimately successful in preserving the survival of Chouchi.

Li Mi (224–287), courtesy name Lingbo, was an official and scholar of the state of Shu Han in the Three Kingdoms period of China. After the fall of Shu in 263, he continued serving under the Jin dynasty, that succeeded Cao Wei state in 266.


  1. 1 2 3 《史記·秦本纪》:「蜚廉惡來。... 蜚廉復有子曰季勝。...繆王以趙城封造父,造父族由此為趙氏。自蜚廉生季勝已下五世至造父,別居趙。...惡來革者,蜚廉子也,蚤死。有子曰女防。女防生旁皋,旁皋生太幾,太幾生大駱,大駱生非子。以造父之寵,皆蒙趙城,姓趙氏。非子居犬丘,好馬及畜,善養息之。犬丘人言之周孝王,孝王召使主馬于汧渭之間,馬大蕃息。...於是孝王曰:「昔伯翳為舜主畜,畜多息,故有土,賜姓嬴。今其後世亦為朕息馬,朕其分土為附庸。」邑之秦,使復續嬴氏祀,號曰秦嬴。
  2. 《左傳·莊公二十八 BCE》:「晉伐驪戎,驪戎男女以驪姬。」
  3. 《山海經·大荒北經》:「大荒之中,有山名曰融父山,順水入焉。有人名曰犬戎。黃帝生苗龍,苗龍生融吾,融吾生弄明,弄明生白犬,白犬有牝牡,是為犬戎,肉食。」
  4. 皇甫谧《帝王世纪》:「先世造父之为穆王御,有功,封之于赵城,国为赵氏也。与简子同祖,嬴姓也。」