MMA 729

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Theban Tomb MMA 729
Burial site of Neferkhawet and relatives
Heart Scarab of Neferkhawet MET 35.3.103 EGDP011730.jpg
Heart Scarab of Neferkhawet
Location El-Assasif

The Theban Tomb of Neferkhawet MMA729 is located in El-Assasif, Theban Necropolis. The tomb contained the burials of Neferkhawet, his wife Rennefer, his son Amunemhet, his daughter Ruiu, and his son or son-in-law Bakamun called Baki. Neferkhawet was a scribe and keeper of the documents during the Thutmosid period. [1]


Neferkhawet and Rennefer

Jewelry box, small pitcher, kohl tube and razors from the tomb. Small Pitcher of Neferkhawet MET Group-35.3.79, 99, 62, 30, 29, 66, 31 EGDP014178.jpg
Jewelry box, small pitcher, kohl tube and razors from the tomb.

Neferkhawet and his wife were buried in the Western chambers of the tomb. Neferkhawet served as a chief scribe to Hatshepsut when she was still a princess. He later became the treasurer and keeper of the documents in the House of the God's Wife Hatshepsut. his wife Rennefer was a Lady of the House. The bodies had been mummified in a simple fashion. The internal organs had not been removed, but the bodies were treated with natron. The burial equipment did include canopic jars, which were empty. [2]

Amenemhet, Ruiu and Baki

The canopic jars of Ruiu Canopic Jar of Ruiu MET LC-35 3 33 EGDP025315.jpg
The canopic jars of Ruiu

The son Amenemhet, daughter Ruiu and son or son-in-law Baki were buried in the Eastern chamber of the tomb. As with the older generation, these bodies were mummified by simply immersing them in natron. The internal organs were left in the bodies and the canopic jars in the tomb were empty. [2]

Additional burials

Next to Amenemhet, Ruiu and Baki the excavators found five more burials. The additional bodies appear to be of either poor relations or servants of the family. The bodies do not show signs of deliberate mummification. Hayes refers to the individuals by Roman numerals:

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  1. W.C. Hayes, The Scepter of Egypt: The Hyksos Period and the New Kingdom (1675–1080 B.C.), pp 130, 185, 195–196, 199, 207, 212, 219, 224, 226–227
  2. 1 2 3 William C. Hayes, "The Tomb of Nefer-khēwet and His Family", The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 11, Part 2: The Egyptian Expedition 1934–1935 (Nov., 1935), pp. 17–36