Minmose (overseer of granaries)

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Minmose was an Ancient Egyptian official under the ruling queen Hatshepsut. He was the overseer of the double granary. He is shown in the queen's mortuary temple at Deir el Bahari in a scene depicting the transport of two obelisks. [1] and was therefore evidently involved in the erection of these monuments. He also appears on objects found in the burial KV60 of the nurse Sitre In who was buried in the Valley of the Kings. Minmose might have been buried close the temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el Bahari. There was found a burial in shaft tomb with the remains of a coffin belonging to a person called Minmose. The burial was already heavily looted in ancient times and reused in the 21st Dynasty. [2]

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  1. Naville, Edouard: The temple of Deir el Bahari. Volume 6: The lower terrace, additions and plans. Kegan Paul/ Trench/ Trübner, London 1908, plate 154 (online).
  2. JJ Shirley: The Power of the Elite: The Officials of Hatshepsut's Regency and Coregency. In: José M. Galán, Betsy M. Bryan, Peter F. Dorman (Hrsg.): Creativity and Innovation in the Reign of Hatshepsut. Occasional Proceedings of the Theban Workshop (= Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization. (SAOC), No. 69). The Oriental Institute of University of Chicago, Chicago 2014, ISBN   978-1-61491-024-4, S. 222–223 (PDF-file; 21,7 MB)