Multiple Sleep Latency Test

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Multiple Sleep Latency Test
ICD-9-CM 89.18
OPS-301 code 1-795
MSLT Scores

The Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) is a sleep disorder diagnostic tool. It is used to measure the time elapsed from the start of a daytime nap period to the first signs of sleep, called sleep latency. The test is based on the idea that the sleepier people are, the faster they will fall asleep.


The MSLT is used to test for central disorders of hypersomnolence such as narcolepsy or idiopathic hypersomnia, or to distinguish between physical tiredness and true excessive daytime sleepiness. Its main purpose is to discover how readily a person will fall asleep in a conducive setting, how consistent or variable this is, and whether there are abnormalities in the rapidity of REM sleep onset. This can be used to identify and differentiate between various sleep problems.

The test consists of four or five 20-minute nap opportunities set two hours apart, often following an overnight sleep study. During the test, data such as the patient's brain waves, EEG, muscle activity, and eye movements are monitored and recorded. The entire test normally takes about 7 hours during the course of a day.


The Multiple Sleep Latency Test was created in 1977 by sleep pioneers William C. Dement and Mary Carskadon. [1] [2] [3] [4] It developed out of repeating a project done in 1970 by Dr. Dement called the 90-minute day. [5] They informally called the 0–5 minute range the twilight zone due to its indication of extreme physical and mental impairment. As an objective measure of daytime sleepiness, the MSLT quickly found additional applications in sleep research, quantifying changes in daytime wakefulness following hypnotic drugs, [6] shifted sleep schedules, [7] and jet lag. [8]

Typical procedure

Preparation: On the day of the test the patient is asked not to consume any stimulants, such as tea, coffee, colas, and chocolate.


A clinical neurophysiologist, neurologist, psychiatrist or sleep specialist will review the results and inform the patient or the patient's primary care physician of the interpretation of the test result in the context of the clinical problem.

The sleep latency (time between the start of the nap opportunity and sleep onset determined by EEG) is determined for each of the four or five nap opportunities. If no sleep occurred during a nap opportunity, the sleep latency is recorded as 20 minutes for that nap opportunity. The average of sleep latency from the four or five naps is taken as the overall sleep latency for the entire test. In general, a sleep latency of less than 8 minutes is considered objective evidence of excessive sleepiness. Additionally, any nap opportunity during which REM sleep onset was noted within 15 minutes is marked as a "sleep-onset REM period (SOREMP)." In the appropriate context, more than 1 SOREMP between the preceding PSG and the MSLT may support a diagnosis of narcolepsy. Results must be interpreted cautiously as comorbid sleep disorders, medications, or recreational drug use can affect REM sleep onset. [10]

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Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder that involves a decreased ability to regulate sleep–wake cycles. Symptoms often include periods of excessive daytime sleepiness and brief involuntary sleep episodes. Narcolepsy paired with cataplexy is evidenced to be an autoimmune disorder. These experiences of cataplexy can be brought on by strong emotions. Less commonly, there may be vivid hallucinations or an inability to move while falling asleep or waking up. People with narcolepsy tend to sleep about the same number of hours per day as people without it, but the quality of sleep tends to be lessened.

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Sleep onset is the transition from wakefulness into sleep. Sleep onset usually transmits into non-rapid eye movement sleep but under certain circumstances it is possible to transit from wakefulness directly into rapid eye movement sleep.

Irregular sleep–wake rhythm disorder (ISWRD) is a rare form of circadian rhythm sleep disorder. It is characterized by numerous naps throughout the 24-hour period, no main nighttime sleep episode, and irregularity from day to day. Affected individuals have no pattern of when they are awake or asleep, may have poor quality sleep, and often may be very sleepy while they are awake. The total time asleep per 24 hours is normal for the person's age. The disorder is serious—an invisible disability. It can create social, familial, and work problems, making it hard for a person to maintain relationships and responsibilities, and may make a person home-bound and isolated.


  1. Carskadon, M.A.; Dement, W.C. Sleep tendency: an objective measure of sleep loss. Sleep Research 6: 200, 1977.
  2. Richardson, G.S.; Carskadon, M.A.; Flagg, W.; Van den Hoed, J.; Dement, W.C.; Mitler, M.M. Excessive daytime sleepiness in man: multiple sleep latency measurement in narcoleptic and control subjects. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1978 Nov;45(5):621–627.
  3. Carskadon, M.A.; Dement, W.C.; Mitler, M.M.; Roth, T.; Westbrook, P.R.; Keenan, S. Guidelines for the Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT): a standard measure of sleepiness. Sleep 1986; 9:519–524
  4. Thorpy, M.J.; Westbrook, P.; Ferber, R.; Fredrickson, P.; Mahowald, M.; Perez-Guerra, F.; Reite, M.; Smith, P. The clinical use of the Multiple Sleep Latency Test. Sleep 1992; 15:268–276.
  5. Carskadon, M.A.; Dement, W.C. Sleep studies on a 90-minute day. Electroencephalogr. Clin. Neurophysiol. 39: 145–155, 1975.
  6. Carskadon, M.A.; Seidel, W.F.; Greenblatt, D.J.; Dement WC. Daytime carryover of triazolam and flurazepam in elderly insomniacs. Sleep 1982; 5:361-371.
  7. Seidel, W.F.; Roth, T; Zorick, F; Roehrs, T; Dement, W.C. Treatment of a 12-hour shift of sleep schedule with benzodiazepines. Science 1984; 224:1262-1264.
  8. Dement WC, Seidel WF, Cohen SA, Bliwise NG, Carskadon MA. Sleep and wakefulness in aircrew before and after transoceanic flights. Aviation, Space & Environmental Medicine (suppl) 1986; 57:B14-B28.
  9. "Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) - Testing Process & Results". American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Retrieved 8 September 2014.
  10. Das, John; Stahl, Stephanie (20 April 2024). "Diagnosing Narcolepsy by MSLT Without Taking in the Full Picture". Sleep . 47 (1): A519–A520. doi:10.1093/sleep/zsae067.01219.