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Endolimax nana parasitized by Nucleophaga hypertrophica Epstein 1922 - Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee 1935.jpg
Endolimax nana parasitized by Nucleophaga hypertrophica
Scientific classification

Corsaro 2022

Corsaro 2022

Dangeard 1895
Type species
Nucleophaga amoebae
Dangeard 1895

See text

Nucleophaga is a genus of eukaryotic microorganisms that are internal parasites of amoeba, flagellates, and ciliates. [1] [2]


Morphology and life cycle

Nucleophaga grows within the nucleus of its host cell. [3] Its spores are ingested by the host and migrate to the nucleus. Once in the nucleus, the spores germinate giving rise to naked plasmodia in contact with the host's karyoplasm. It develops pseudopodia-like projections that may be involved in osmotrophy or phagocytosis. The Nucleophaga cells continue to enlarge until a cell wall replaces the projections and the Nucleophaga cytoplasm is divided into spores. [4]


Described by Dangeard in 1895, Nucleophaga was placed in Olpidiaceae, Chytridiales. [3] [1] Molecular phylogenetic studies have placed some members in the Cryptomycota/Rozellomycota. [4] [5]


As according to a taxonomic summary. [1]

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  1. 1 2 3 Blackwell, Will H.; Letcher, Peter M.; Powell, Martha J. (2019). "Review of Nucleophaga (a primitive, 'cryptomycotan' genus): Summary of named and unnamed species, with discussion of contemporary and historical observations". Phytologia. 101: 1–18.
  2. Brumpt, E.; Lavier, G. (2017). "Sur une Nucleophaga parasite d'Endolimax nana". Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparée. 13 (5): 439–444. doi: 10.1051/parasite/1935135439 . ISSN   0003-4150. Open Access logo PLoS transparent.svg
  3. 1 2 Sparrow F.K. (1060). Aquatic Phycomycetes (second ed.). The University of Michigan Press.
  4. 1 2 Corsaro, Daniele; Walochnik, Julia; Venditti, Danielle; Muller, Karl-Dieter; Hauroder, Barbel; Michel, Rolf (2014). "Rediscovery of Nucleophage amoebae, a novel member of the Rozellomycota". Parasitology Research. 113: 4491–4498.
  5. Corsaro, Daniele; Michel, Rolf; Walochnik, Julia; Venditti, Danielle; Muller, Karl-Dieter; Hauroder, Barbel; Wylezich, Claudia (2016). "Molecular identification of Nucelophaga terricolae sp. nov. (Rozellomycota), and new insights on the origin of the Microsporidia". Parasitology Research. 115: 303–3011.