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Issi'ak Assur
King of Assur
Reignc. 1484-1473 BC [1]
Predecessor Enlil-nasir I
Successor Ashur-shaduni
Issue Ashur-shaduni
Father Enlil-nasir I

Nur-ili was the king of Assyria from c. 1484 BC to 1473 BC. His father, Enlil-nasir I, was king before him. Nur-Ili was the last king of an independent Assyria before the Mitanni Empire took control of it. [2]

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  1. Düring, Bleda S. (2020). The Imperialisation of Assyria: An Archaeological Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. xvi. ISBN   978-1108778701.
  2. "Near East Kingdoms (Ancient Mesopotamia)". The History Files.
Preceded by King of Assyria
1484–1473 BCE
Succeeded by