Parallel process

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Parallel process is a phenomenon noted in clinical supervision by therapist and supervisor, whereby the therapist recreates, or parallels, the client's problems by way of relating to the supervisor. The client's transference and the therapist's countertransference thus re-appear in the mirror of the therapist/supervisor relationship.


Origins and nature

Attention to parallel process first emerged in the nineteen-fifties. The process was termed reflection by Harold Searles in 1955, [1] and two years later T. Hora (1957) first used the actual term parallel process – emphasising that it was rooted in an unconscious identification with the client/patient which could extend to tone of voice and behaviour. [2] The supervisor thus enacts the central problem of the therapy in the supervision, potentially opening up a process of containment and solution, first by the supervisor and then by the therapist. [3]

Alternatively, the supervisor's own countertransference may be activated in the parallel process, to be reflected in turn between supervisor and consultant, or back into the original patient/helper dyad. [4] Even then, however, careful examination of the material may still illuminate the original therapeutic difficulty, as reflected in the parallel situation. [5]

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Transference is a phenomenon within psychotherapy in which repetitions of old feelings, attitudes, desires, or fantasies that someone displaces are subconsciously projected onto a here-and-now person. Traditionally, it had solely concerned feelings from a primary relationship during childhood.

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Glen Owens Gabbard is an American psychiatrist known for authoring professional teaching texts for the field. He is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, and is also training and supervising analyst at the Center for Psychoanalytic Studies in Houston.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Positive psychotherapy</span> Psychotherapeutic method developed by Nossrat Peseschkian

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The core conflictual relationship theme, or CCRT, is an analytic tool developed in the late twentieth century by Lester Luborsky, as an aid both to brief psychotherapy in the psychodynamic tradition, and to researching its efficacy.


  1. Parallel process in supervision
  2. S. Power, Nursing Supervision (1999) p. 162
  3. G. O. Gabbard, Long-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (2010) p. 195
  4. P. Clarkson, On Psychotherapy (1993) p. 202
  5. G. O. Gabbard, Long-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (2010) p. 196-197

Further reading