Paul Shattock

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Paul Shattock OBE is a British autism researcher and scientific consultant to the charity Education and Services for People with Autism, of which he is also the founder. [1] He was formerly the director of the Autism Research Unit at the University of Sunderland. He is well known for his disputed research into dietary therapy and autism, having claimed that autistic children may have a "leaky gut" which allows certain peptides to enter the bloodstream, and claimed that they excrete unusually high levels thereof. As a result of this speculation, he has promoted the use of a gluten-free, casein-free diet to ameliorate the symptoms of autism, a theory he developed along with Kalle Reichelt. In addition, he has claimed that a protein found in milk may play a role in the etiology of autism. [2] He is also the former president of the World Autism Organization.

In 2002, Shattock conducted a survey and claimed that this survey had identified a unique subset of autistic children who may be uniquely susceptible to the MMR vaccine. These children were identified by the fact that they tended to suffer from bowel problems, had an abnormal gait and were friendlier than other autistic children. [3] In addition, this survey concluded that one in ten parents of autistic children attributed their child's autism to this vaccine, and that these children had much higher levels of urinary indolyl-3-acryloylglycine. [4] [5] However, Shattock was criticized by Peter Dukes of the Medical Research Council, who noted that Shattock's findings had yet to be published in a peer-reviewed journal. [6]

Personal life

Shattock has a son, Jamie, who was diagnosed with autism in 1975. [7]

In 1980 Shattock helped raise £80,000 to pay for the North East Autism Society (NEAS) centre at Thornhill Park, when he was known as "the Birdman". [8] [9]

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The Lancet MMR autism fraud centered on the publication in February 1998 of a fraudulent research paper titled "Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children" in The Lancet. The paper, authored by now discredited and deregistered Andrew Wakefield, and twelve coauthors, falsely claimed causative links between the MMR vaccine and colitis and between colitis and autism. The fraud was exposed in a lengthy Sunday Times investigation by reporter Brian Deer, resulting in the paper's retraction in February 2010 and Wakefield being struck off the UK medical register three months later. Wakefield reportedly stood to earn up to $43 million per year selling diagnostic kits for a non-existent syndrome he claimed to have discovered. He also held a patent to a rival vaccine at the time, and he had been employed by a lawyer representing parents in lawsuits against vaccine producers.

Extensive investigation into vaccines and autism spectrum disorder has shown that there is no relationship between the two, causal or otherwise, and that the vaccine ingredients do not cause autism. Vaccinologist Peter Hotez researched the growth of the false claim and concluded that its spread originated with Andrew Wakefield's fraudulent 1998 paper, with no prior paper supporting a link.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Alison Singer</span> American autism advocate

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  1. Nelson, Barry (4 February 2010). "Consultant to the Espa Autism Research Unit". The Northern Echo . Retrieved 9 June 2017.
  2. "The World Today - Autism, milk link played down". 2002-11-13. Retrieved 2013-10-10.
  3. Derbyshire, David (2002-06-28). "MMR 'may be linked to certain type of autism'". Telegraph. Retrieved 2013-10-10.
  4. Anderson, R. J.; Bendell, D. J.; Garnett, I.; Groundwater, P. W.; Lough, W. J.; Mills, M. J.; Savery, D.; Shattock, P. E. G. (2002). "Identification of indolyl-3-acryloylglycine in the urine of people with autism". Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 54 (2): 295–298. doi: 10.1211/0022357021778349 . PMID   11858215. S2CID   24999913.
  5. Fitzpatrick, Michael (17 July 2007). "The dark art of the MMR-autism panic". Spiked . Retrieved 30 January 2014.
  6. Meikle, James (28 June 2002). "MMR 'may cause 1 in 10 cases of autism'". The Guardian . Retrieved 10 October 2013.
  7. Shattock, Paul; Todd, Linda. "Sunderland University & The Autism Research Unit: The Early Years". Archived from the original on 25 September 2017. Retrieved 10 October 2013.
  8. "Sunderland's own Flying Squirrel urges city to back new appeal to help school for autistic pupils".
  9. "'Sunderland led the way to help autistic people' - says city's Birdman flying contest winner".