Radioimmunoguided surgery

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Radioimmunoguided surgery
Specialty oncology

Radioimmunoguided surgery is a procedure that uses radioactive substances to locate tumors so that they can be removed by surgery. [1]

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Total mesorectal excision (TME) is a standard surgical technique for treatment of rectal cancer, first described in 1982 by Professor Bill Heald at the UK's Basingstoke District Hospital. It is a precise dissection of the mesorectal envelope comprising rectum containing the tumour together with all the surrounding fatty tissue and the sheet of tissue that contains lymph nodes and blood vessels. Dissection is along the avascular alveolar plane between the presacral and mesorectal fascia, described as holy plane. Dissection along this plane facilitates a straightforward dissection and preserves the sacral vessels and hypogastric nerves and is a sphincter-sparing resection and decreases permanent stoma rates. It is possible to rejoin the two ends of the colon; however, most patients require a temporary ileostomy pouch to bypass the colon, allowing it to heal with less risk of infection, perforation or leakage.

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  1. Veroux, G.; Nicosia, A. S.; Veroux, P.; Cardillo, P.; Veroux, M.; Amodeo, C. (November 1999). "Radioimmunoguided surgery". Hepato-Gastroenterology. 46 (30): 3099–3108. ISSN   0172-6390 . Retrieved 18 February 2022.

PD-icon.svg This article incorporates public domain material from Dictionary of Cancer Terms. U.S. National Cancer Institute.