Ragusano cheese

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Ragusano Cheese.jpg
Country of origin Italy
Region Sicily (provinces of Ragusa and Syracuse)
Source of milk Modicana cow's milk
Certification DOC: 1955
PDO: 1995
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Ragusano is an Italian cow's-milk cheese produced in the provinces of Ragusa and Syracuse. It is a firm pasta filata ('stretched-curd') cheese made with whole milk from cows of the Modicana breed, raised exclusively on fresh grass or hay in the provinces of Ragusa and Syracuse.

The cheese was awarded Italian denominazione di origine controllata (DOC) protection in 1955 and EU protected designation of origin (PDO) status in 1995. [1]

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  1. Amata, F.; Licitra, G.; Mormorio, D. (2000). Ragusano: Heritage and Landscape : the Art of Traditional Cheese-making. Consorzio Ricerca Filiera Lattiero-Casearia. pp. 133–134. Retrieved August 16, 2017.