Reinhold (crater)

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Reinhold crater 4126 h1.jpg
Lunar Orbiter 4 image of Reinhold (center) and Reinhold B (upper right)
(triangular spot is blemish on original)
Coordinates 3°17′N22°52′W / 3.28°N 22.86°W / 3.28; -22.86
Diameter 43.28 km
Depth 3.3 km
Colongitude 23° at sunrise
Eponym Erasmus Reinhold
The crater area in selenochromatic Image (Si) with some landmarks (yellow/normal, red/pyroclastic). More infos here : Kepler-Manilius Si.jpg
The crater area in selenochromatic Image (Si) with some landmarks (yellow/normal, red/pyroclastic). More infos here :
Oblique view from Apollo 12 Reinhold crater AS12-51-7543.jpg
Oblique view from Apollo 12
Crater Reinhold by Wilhelm Gotthelf Lohrmann (1878) Lohrmann-crater-reinhold.jpg
Crater Reinhold by Wilhelm Gotthelf Lohrmann (1878)

Reinhold is a prominent lunar impact crater that lies to the south-southwest of the crater Copernicus, on the Mare Insularum. It was named after 16th century German astronomer and mathematician Erasmus Reinhold. [1] To the southwest is the slightly smaller crater Lansberg.


The interior walls are terraced and the irregular outer ramparts are visible against the flat surface of the mare. The interior floor is relatively featureless, with only a few low rises. Just to the northeast is a low, flooded crater designated Reinhold B.

Reinhold is a crater of Eratosthenian age. [2]

Satellite craters

By convention these features are identified on current lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Reinhold.

main3.3° N22.8° W48 km
A4.1° N21.7° W4 km
B4.3° N21.7° W26 km
C4.4° N24.5° W4 km
D2.6° N24.5° W2 km
F3.4° N21.4° W5 km
G4.8° N19.8° W3 km
H4.2° N20.9° W4 km
N1.6° N25.4° W4 km

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  1. "Reinhold (crater)". Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. USGS Astrogeology Research Program.
  2. The geologic history of the Moon. USGS Professional Paper 1348. By Don E. Wilhelms, John F. McCauley, and Newell J. Trask. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington: 1987. Table 12.2.