Sacbrood virus

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Sacbrood virus
Virus classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
(unranked): Virus
Realm: Riboviria
Kingdom: Orthornavirae
Phylum: Pisuviricota
Class: Pisoniviricetes
Order: Picornavirales
Family: Iflaviridae
Genus: Iflavirus
Sacbrood virus

Sacbrood virus or SBV disease is an infectious disease caused by the Morator aetatulas virus that affects honey bee larvae. When sick, the colony declines gradually with few or no replacement workers, costing 20-80% of honey production. [1]



SBV is caused by the M. aetatulas virus. [2] Transmission is due to bees taking care of larvae, bees entering the colony to steal honey (robbing), bees entering the wrong hive (drifting), or through beekeepers' activities (changing frames / combining hives, etc.).

According to Borchert, when studying the disease in 1966, one diseased larva could infect 3,000 healthy larvae. Bailey in 1981 claimed that the liquid in a killed larva containing 1 mg of virus can infect all worker larvae of 1,000 healthy bees. [3]


When sick bees go to work, particularly heavy hives noticed that bees take dead larvae out of the nest. The screw cap on the pupil surface is sunken, and a few small pinholes are present. The larvae die at the new stage screw cap (pupa). At the pointed tip of the diseased larva protruding between the nest holes, the tip of the larvae tilts towards the abdomen. At the larvae's end is a small transparent water bag. Dead larvae have no odor.

Prevention and treatment

The best preventative measures are hygiene of means, transporting tools and beekeeping tools when trading, importing, and transporting bees and products, as well as inspecting and interacting with bees; when importing the breeds, choose healthy, clean and clear hives.

Antibiotics do not affect this disease. Biological techniques such as replacing the sick lord with a royal cap or silk thread, confining the hive for 8-10 days, removing bridges so that the bees thicken the remaining bridges, feeding 5-6 nights in a row to transfer to a new and better source of flowers and isolation from other bee farms and merging the weakening hive. [4]

See also

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The evolution of the Sacbrood virus (SBV) is characterized by the genomic changes that have occurred in SBV since its initial discovery in 1913, which have enabled the virus to continuously infect a wide array of honeybee colonies. SBV is single stranded RNA virus (genus: Iflavirus) that most commonly infects honeybee larvae, and is known to wipe out entire honeybee colonies quickly. Due to SBV, there has been sharp declines in honey bee populations in Europe, as well as a 30% decline each year in U.S. colonies. Studies on the evolution of SBV have arisen in hopes to stop these colony devastations. SBV is one of the most widely studied honeybee viruses in terms of genomic analysis, leading to it having the highest number of complete genomes isolated compared to any other viruses known to honeybees. Through these genome studies, it has been found that there are two distinct lineages of SBV, each characterized by a high mutation rate, leading to multiple subtypes in both lineages. In studying how these lineages have evolved through time, new discoveries in their pathogenicity and different honeybee resistance mechanisms have been unveiled.


  1. "Mulberry - Honey bee curriculum. Page 161" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2017-02-08. Retrieved 2019-12-05.
  2. "Sacbrood Virus | Texas Apiary Inspection Service (TAIS)". Retrieved 2020-01-03.
  3. "Why is a bagworm (Sacbrood) harmful to bees? Can this disease be cured? Treatment?". Archived from the original on 2017-02-08. Retrieved 2019-12-05.
  4. "Bee bag larvae". Archived from the original on 2017-02-25. Retrieved 2019-12-05.