Snowball seed oil

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Viburnum opulus Illustration Viburnum opulus0.jpg
Viburnum opulus

Snowball seed oil is a pressed seed oil, extracted from the seeds of the Viburnum opulus (common snowball), which grows in Russia. Snowball bark contains a variety of bioactive substances, including tannic substances, saponins, vitamin K1, ascorbic acid and carotene, and is used medicinally. [1] The seeds, which contain up to 21% oil, are rich in tocopherol (Vitamin E), carotinoides (provitamin A) and micronutrients. [2] Snowball seed oil is little known or used outside Russia.

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  1. "Common snowball".
  2. "Food and health: Viburnum oil". Archived from the original on 2006-07-21.