Steven Waterhouse

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Dr. Steven Waterhouse

Steven Waterhouse (born August 23, 1956) is an American pastor, Bible teacher, and Christian author who has published works on counseling and systematic theology. Waterhouse has taught Bible doctrine in colleges and church ministries, has been the keynote speaker at National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) conventions, and has lectured at various institutions and conference workshops on counseling.


Life and career

Steven Waterhouse was born and raised in rural southern Michigan. His brother, Mark, was diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 17, and served as Steven's inspiration for his first published work, Strength for His People, written to comfort the families of those suffering from mental illnesses. [1] [2] He holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, a Master of Theology in Hebrew and Greek from Capital Bible Seminary near Washington, D.C., and undergraduate degrees in social sciences from Spring Arbor University and Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He has been the pastor of Westcliff Bible Church in Amarillo, Texas since 1985. [2]


Note: Translations of Strength For His People are available in Polish ( ISBN   83-921410-0-8) and of Not By Bread Alone in Malayalam.

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  1. Cortez, Morjorie Cortez (17 October 1998). "Many clergy are in the dark on mental illness". Deseret News. Retrieved 24 February 2017.
  2. 1 2 Capansky, Trisha (20 January 2000). "'In the image of God' Mental illness is not a sin, local pastor says". Amarillo Globe-News . Retrieved 24 February 2017.