Theodora (Roman martyr)

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Saint Theodora
Ca' Rezzonico - Martirio di Santa Teodora di Roma - Giambattista Tiepolo.jpg
Martyrdom of Saint Theodora of Rome by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Venerated in Roman Catholic Church
Eastern Orthodox Church
Feast 1 April (Catholic Church)
5 April [1] (Orthodox Church)

Theodora was a Roman martyr. The little we know about her life is attributed to the Acta of Pope St. Alexander. She was the sister of St. Hermes, to whom she had given aid and care during his difficult time in prison. [2] She was martyred some time after her brother, in 120. The siblings were later buried side by side [3] on the Salarian road outside of Rome. [4]


  1. (in Greek) Θεοδώρας και Διδύμου Μαρτύρων
  2. St. Theodora Catholic Online
  3. "Early Martyrs of Rome".
  4. "Roman Martyrology (April)".

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