Transport maximum

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In physiology, transport maximum (alternatively Tm or Tmax) refers to the point at which increase in concentration of a substance does not result in an increase in movement of a substance across a cell membrane.

In renal physiology, the concept of transport maximum is often discussed in the context of glucose and PAH.[ citation needed ]

For both substances (as with all substances), the quantity excreted can be determined with the following equation:[ citation needed ]

The proximal convoluted tubule of the nephron has protein channels that reabsorb glucose, and others that secrete para-aminohippuric acid (PAH). However, its ability to do so is proportionate to the channel proteins available for the transport.[ citation needed ]

In practice, the transport maximum is not all-or-nothing. As the concentration approaches the transport maximum, some of the channels are overwhelmed before others are. For example, with glucose, some sugar appears in the urine at levels much lower than 300 mg/dL. [2] The point at which the effects start to appear is called "threshold", and the difference between threshold and transport maximum is called "splay". [3]

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In physiology, splay is the difference between urine threshold and saturation, or TM, where saturation is the exhausted supply of renal reabsorption carriers. In simpler terms, splay is the concentration difference between a substance's maximum renal reabsorption vs. appearance in the urine. Splay is usually used in reference to glucose; other substances, such as phosphate, have virtually no splay at all. Splay appears to occur because kidney nephrons do not have the same tubular maximum for glucose (TmG) therefore some nephrons may excrete before others and also because "the maximum reabsorption rate cannot be achieved until the amount/min of glucose being presented to the renal tubules is great enough to fully saturate the receptor sites". John Field of the American Physiological Society said "Since the splay may occur when the residual nephrons are said to be free of anatomic abnormalities, the possibility exists that changes in the kinetics of glucose reabsorption may have been induced".

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  1. DeFronzo, Ralph A.; Hompesch, Marcus; Kasichayanula, Sreeneeranj; Liu, Xiaoni; Hong, Ying; Pfister, Marc; Morrow, Linda A.; Leslie, Bruce R.; Boulton, David W. (October 2013). "Characterization of Renal Glucose Reabsorption in Response to Dapagliflozin in Healthy Subjects and Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes". Diabetes Care. 36 (10): 3169–3176. doi:10.2337/dc13-0387. ISSN   0149-5992. PMC   3781504 . PMID   23735727.
  2. Sect. 7, Ch. 5: Renal Threshold Archived 2006-09-01 at the Wayback Machine
  3. Tubular Transport