List of fictional tricksters

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The trickster figure Reynard the Fox as depicted in an 1869 children's book by Michel Rodange. Reynard-the-fox.jpg
The trickster figure Reynard the Fox as depicted in an 1869 children's book by Michel Rodange.

The trickster is a common stock character in folklore and popular culture. A clever, mischievous person or creature, the trickster achieves goals through the use of trickery. A trickster may trick others simply for amusement or for survival in a dangerous world. The trickster could be a personification of the chaos that the world needs to function.


An archetypical example is the simple peasant successfully put to the test by a King who wishes a suitable suitor for his daughter. In this fairy tale, no brave and valiant prince or knight succeeds. Aided only by his natural wit, the peasant evades danger and triumphs over monsters and villains without fighting. Thus the most unlikely candidate passes the trials and receives the prize. Such characters are a staple of animated cartoons, in particular those used and developed by Tex Avery et al. during the Golden Age of American animation.


Hynes and Doty, in Mythical Trickster Figures (1997) state that every trickster has several of the following six traits: [1]

  1. fundamentally ambiguous and anomalous
  2. deceiver and trick-player
  3. shape-shifter or master of disguise
  4. situation-inverter
  5. messenger and imitator of the gods
  6. sacred and lewd bricoleur

Tricksters in folktale and mythology

Tricksters in fiction: novels, short stories, and comics

Tricksters in movies, television, animation, and video games


  1. Hynes, William J. and William G. Doty. (1993). Mythical Trickster Figures, (pp. 34-42). Tuscaloosa:The University of Alabama Press.
  2. Owomoyeia, Oyekan (1997). Yoruba Trickster Tales, University of Nebraska Press, ISDB 0-8032-8611-2.
  3. Fee, Christopher R.; Webb, Jeffrey B. (2016-08-29). American Myths, Legends, and Tall Tales: An Encyclopedia of American Folklore. ABC-CLIO. pp. 61–62. ISBN   9781610695688.
  4. Characteristics of a Slave Trickster, Emerson College. Retrieved on July 11, 2007.
  5. Harper, Graeme (2002). Comedy, Fantasy and Colonialism. A&C Black. p. 100. ISBN   9781847142160 . Retrieved 12 April 2015.
  6. Carradice, Phil (16 June 2011). "Twm Sion Cati - the Welsh Robin Hood". . Retrieved 18 March 2021.
  7. Grand Valley State University Trickster World Mythology Course (Eng 104). Retrieved on: 2007-07-20.
  8. The Incarnation of a Trickster, Retrieved on July 11, 2007 Archived September 1, 2004, at the Wayback Machine
  9. Britton, PD (2011). TARDISbound: Navigating the Universes of Doctor Who. Yet the Doctor has seldom been a straightforward hero. He has often exhibited characteristics of the trickster, for he generally relies on wiliness and rhetorical skill more than martial prowess or physical force, and his character has been frequently tinged with antiheroism
  10. Patricia Vettel Tom. (1996) "Felix the Cat as Modern Trickster" American Art, Vol. 10, No. 1 (Spring, 1996), pp. 64-87. Retrieved on July 11, 2007
  11. elisi (2011). "The Doctor's Final Lesson: Courtesy of River Song". The Doctor needs his own trickster figure to transport him to his own greenworld which, perforce, must be that much more chaotic and magical and insane and governed by all the primal forces even he tries to ignore. And there he can confront those conflicts within himself and find resolution to them before returning, fixed, to his real world. And order was restored with a wedding!
  12. Tina Blue. (2001) Traditional Themes and Motifs in Literature. Retrieved on July 11, 2007.
  13. "Zoe - Champions - Universe of League of Legends".

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