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In complexity theory, the complexity class NP-easy is the set of function problems that are solvable in polynomial time by a deterministic Turing machine with an oracle for some decision problem in NP.

In other words, a problem X is NP-easy if and only if there exists some problem Y in NP such that X is polynomial-time Turing reducible to Y. [1] This means that given an oracle for Y, there exists an algorithm that solves X in polynomial time (possibly by repeatedly using that oracle).

NP-easy is another name for FPNP (see the function problem article) or for FΔ2P (see the polynomial hierarchy article).

An example of an NP-easy problem is the problem of sorting a list of strings. The decision problem "is string A greater than string B" is in NP. There are algorithms such as quicksort that can sort the list using only a polynomial number of calls to the comparison routine, plus a polynomial amount of additional work. Therefore, sorting is NP-easy.

There are also more difficult problems that are NP-easy. See NP-equivalent for an example.

The definition of NP-easy uses a Turing reduction rather than a many-one reduction because the answers to problem Y are only TRUE or FALSE, but the answers to problem X can be more general. Therefore, there is no general way to translate an instance of X to an instance of Y with the same answer.


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In theoretical computer science and mathematics, computational complexity theory focuses on classifying computational problems according to their resource usage, and relating these classes to each other. A computational problem is a task solved by a computer. A computation problem is solvable by mechanical application of mathematical steps, such as an algorithm.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">NP (complexity)</span> Complexity class used to classify decision problems

In computational complexity theory, NP is a complexity class used to classify decision problems. NP is the set of decision problems for which the problem instances, where the answer is "yes", have proofs verifiable in polynomial time by a deterministic Turing machine, or alternatively the set of problems that can be solved in polynomial time by a nondeterministic Turing machine.

In complexity theory and computability theory, an oracle machine is an abstract machine used to study decision problems. It can be visualized as a Turing machine with a black box, called an oracle, which is able to solve certain problems in a single operation. The problem can be of any complexity class. Even undecidable problems, such as the halting problem, can be used.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">NP-hardness</span> Complexity class

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Complexity class</span> Set of problems in computational complexity theory

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">PP (complexity)</span> Class of problems in computer science

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In computational complexity theory, the Cook–Levin theorem, also known as Cook's theorem, states that the Boolean satisfiability problem is NP-complete. That is, it is in NP, and any problem in NP can be reduced in polynomial time by a deterministic Turing machine to the Boolean satisfiability problem.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Reduction (complexity)</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">NP-completeness</span> Complexity class

In computational complexity theory, a problem is NP-complete when:

  1. It is a decision problem, meaning that for any input to the problem, the output is either "yes" or "no".
  2. When the answer is "yes", this can be demonstrated through the existence of a short solution.
  3. The correctness of each solution can be verified quickly and a brute-force search algorithm can find a solution by trying all possible solutions.
  4. The problem can be used to simulate every other problem for which we can verify quickly that a solution is correct. In this sense, NP-complete problems are the hardest of the problems to which solutions can be verified quickly. If we could find solutions of some NP-complete problem quickly, we could quickly find the solutions of every other problem to which a given solution can be easily verified.
