2013 in Romania

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Flag of Romania.svg
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The following lists events that happened during 2013 in Romania .







PDL convention, March 23 Conventia PD-L 2013 - (3).jpg
PDL convention, March 23






Tens of thousands of protesters marching in Bucharest against the Rosia Montana Project Protest 15 septembrie Piata Universitatii bgiu.jpg
Tens of thousands of protesters marching in Bucharest against the Roșia Montană Project




Arts and entertainment




Sergiu Nicolaescu Sergiu Nicolaescu.JPG
Sergiu Nicolaescu



Irina Petrescu Irina Petrescu.jpg
Irina Petrescu




Iustin Parvu Padre Iustin Parvu de la Petru Voda.JPG
Iustin Pârvu







See also

Related Research Articles

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The Scânteia train accident occurred on August 14, 2009 at 14:10 local time (UTC+3) when at least 14 people died after a collision between a minibus and a train in Scânteia, Iași County, Romania on County Road 248C. The death toll was initially reported as 10. It was the worst accident in Romania in fifteen years.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Oana Manea</span> Romanian handball player

Oana Andreea Lefter is a former handball. She retired from the Romania national team in 2016. Her father, Dumitru Manea was a football player.

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This is a list of 2014 events that occurred in Romania.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Claudiu Teohari</span> Comedian

Claudiu Mihail Teohari, known professionally as Teo, is a Romanian stand up-comedian, writer and occasional actor. After rising to fame in his native Romania as a household name in Bucharest's Deko Café, he was catapulted to internet fame by a series of YouTube recordings of his routines that went viral. As an actor, he made a cameo appearance in Dan Chișu's 2010 directorial debut, WebSiteStory.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2012–2015 unrest in Romania</span> Protests against civil unfairity

The 2012–2015 unrest in Romania refers to a prolonged period of civil unrest and political scandals in Romania, which took magnitude after the second half of the 2000s. The wave of civil demonstrations started in January 2012, once with the introduction of a new health reform legislation. The protests were fueled by the austerity measures applied in May 2010, but also by the unpopularity of Băsescu-backed Boc government. The demonstrations were characterized by widespread rioting and acts of vandalism. The political situation precipitated, so Prime Minister Emil Boc decided to step down on 6 February 2012.

The following lists events that happened during 2015 in Romania.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Colectiv nightclub fire</span> 2015 fire in Bucharest, Romania

The Colectiv nightclub fire was a deadly fire in Bucharest, Romania, on 30 October 2015, which killed 64 people and injured 146. The fire, which was the deadliest fire in the country's history, occurred during a free concert performed by the metalcore band Goodbye to Gravity to celebrate the release of their new album, Mantras of War. The band's pyrotechnics, consisting of sparkler firework candles, ignited the club's flammable polyurethane acoustic foam, and the fire spread rapidly. Most of the victims were poisoned by toxins released from the burning foam. Overwhelmed by the high number of victims, Romanian authorities transferred some of the seriously injured to hospitals in Israel, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, the United Kingdom, Norway, Germany and France. Mass protests over the corruption linked to the fire led to the resignation of the Prime Minister of Romania, Victor Ponta.

The following lists events in the year 2016 in Romania.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2017–2019 Romanian protests</span> Romanian protests against political corruption

There were numerous protests against the Romanian Government between 2017 and 2019. In January 2017, days after the government of the Grindeanu Cabinet was sworn into office in Romania, protests took place throughout the country against ordinance bills that were proposed by the Romanian Ministry of Justice regarding the pardoning of certain committed crimes, and the amendment of the Penal Code of Romania. At the heart of these protests is the community Corruption Kills, founded by Florin Bădiță, who alongside other civic groups organized what proved to be the largest protests since 1989, thus realizing the "Revolution of our generation".

The 2018–19 Liga II was the 79th season of the Liga II, the second tier of the Romanian football league system. The season began on 4 August 2018 and ended on 1 June 2019.

Events from the year 2018 in Romania.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sfântu Gheorghe minibus accident</span>

The Sfântu Gheorghe minibus accident took place on October 5, 2019 near Sfântu Gheorghe village in Ialomița County, south-eastern Romania. It was the worst accident in Romania in recent years.

The 2021–22 Liga II was the 82nd season of the Liga II, the second tier of the Romanian football league system. A total of 20 teams contested the league.

Events from the year 2021 in Romania.

Diana Iovanovici Șoșoacă is a Romanian lawyer and far-right politician. She gained notorious popularity in 2020 after she published several messages against COVID-19 restriction measures on social media sites such as Facebook. Iovanovici Șoșoacă is a former member of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) and part of the Senate of Romania for the Iași County since 21 December 2020. She later said that she did not want to enter the Parliament of Romania but that she was forced by other people who pressured her. On 10 February 2021, she was excluded from AUR's parliamentary group after AUR members Claudiu Târziu and Sorin Lavric proposed her exclusion for not following the party's strategy. Subsequently, on 30 May 2022, she joined S.O.S. Romania, a party founded in November 2021. Șoșoacă is one of the main anti-vaccine figures of the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania. She also supports a Romanian withdrawal from the EU and holds an anti-immigration rhetoric centered on the Syrian-born Romanian physician Raed Arafat.

The 2022–23 Liga II is the 83rd season of the Liga II, the second tier of the Romanian football league system. A total of 20 teams contest the league.

Events from the year 2022 in Romania.


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