Gary Roy Geffken

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Gary Roy Geffken is an American clinical psychologist from Gainesville, Florida. As director of the University of Florida Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Program, Geffken participates in clinical activity and research. Geffken's primary research interests include Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Type 1 Diabetes.

Geffken's research into Obsessive Compulsive Disorder has primarily focused on predictors of treatment outcome and treatment augmentation strategies. Geffken has also been involved in the development of OCD specific assessment measures. [1] Geffken's most recent OCD research has focused on pediatric OCD treatment outcome. [2]

Geffken's research into Type 1 Diabetes has focused on predictors of glycemic control. [3] Geffken has had a specific interest in family factors that predict glycemic control. [4] Recently, Geffken has examined the impact of internet use on diabetes management. [5]

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  1. Storch EA, Murphy TK, Geffken GR, Soto O, Sajid M, Allen P, Roberti JW, Killiany EM, Goodman WK. (2004) Psychometric evaluation of the Children's Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale. Psychiatry Res. 30;129(1):91-8.
  2. McNamara, J. P. H., Reid, A. M., Balkhi, A. M., Bussing, R., Storch E. A., Murphy, T. K., Graziano, P. A., Guzick, A., & Geffken, G. R. (in press). Self-Regulation and Other Executive Functions Relationship to Pediatric OCD Severity and Treatment Outcome. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.
  3. Gelfand K, Geffken G, Halsey-Lyda M, Muir A, Malasanos T. (2003). Intensive telehealth management of five at-risk adolescents with diabetes. J Telemed Telecare. 9(2):117-21.
  4. Reid, A. M., Balkhi, A. M., St. Amant, J., McNamara, J. P. H., Silverstein, J. H., Navia, L., & Geffken, G. R. (2013). Relationships between quality of life, family factors, adherence, and glycemic control in pediatric patients with Type 1 Diabetes. Childrens Health Care, 42 (4).
  5. Sherburne, Morgan (25 February 2014). "Type 1 diabetes parents turn to the Internet for support". Newsroom. University of Florida Health. Retrieved 14 March 2014.