Hot nose sign

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Radionuclide scan showing no intracranial blood flow. The hot nose sign is manifest. Radionuclide Cerebral Blood Flow Scan.png
Radionuclide scan showing no intracranial blood flow. The hot nose sign is manifest.

The hot nose sign refers to increased perfusion in the nasal region on nuclear medicine cerebral perfusion studies in the setting of brain death. The absent or reduced flow in the internal carotid arteries is thought to lead to increased flow within the external carotid arteries and subsequent increased perfusion in the nasal region. [1]

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  1. Huang, Amy H. (2005-04-01). "The hot nose sign". Radiology. 235 (1): 216–217. doi:10.1148/radiol.2351030537. ISSN   0033-8419. PMID   15798171.