
Last updated
Original author(s) François Chollet
Developer(s) ONEIROS
Initial release27 March 2015;9 years ago (2015-03-27)
Stable release
3.3.2 [1] / 22 April 2024;8 days ago (22 April 2024)
Written in Python
Platform Cross-platform
Type Frontend for TensorFlow, JAX or PyTorch (and more)
License Apache 2.0
Website   OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg

Keras is an open-source library that provides a Python interface for artificial neural networks. Keras was first independent software, then integrated into TensorFlow library, and later supporting more. "Keras 3 is a full rewrite of Keras [can be used] as a low-level cross-framework language to develop custom components such as layers, models, or metrics that can be used in native workflows in JAX, TensorFlow, or PyTorch — with one codebase." [2] Keras 3 will be the default Keras version for TensorFlow 2.16 onwards, but Kerals 2 can still be used. [3]



The name 'Keras' derives from the Ancient Greek word κέρας (Keras) meaning 'horn'. [4]

Designed to enable fast experimentation with deep neural networks, Keras focuses on being user-friendly, modular, and extensible. It was developed as part of the research effort of project ONEIROS (Open-ended Neuro-Electronic Intelligent Robot Operating System), [5] and its primary author and maintainer is François Chollet, a Google engineer. Chollet is also the author of the Xception deep neural network model. [6]

Up until version 2.3, Keras supported multiple backends, including TensorFlow, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, Theano, and PlaidML. [7] [8] [9]

As of version 2.4, only TensorFlow was supported. Starting with version 3.0 (as well as its preview version, Keras Core), however, Keras has become multi-backend again, supporting TensorFlow, JAX, and PyTorch. [10]


Keras contains numerous implementations of commonly used neural-network building blocks such as layers, objectives, activation functions, optimizers, and a host of tools for working with image and text data to simplify programming in deep neural network area. The code is hosted on GitHub, and community support forums include the GitHub issues page, and a Slack channel.[ citation needed ]

In addition to standard neural networks, Keras has support for convolutional and recurrent neural networks. It supports other common utility layers like dropout, batch normalization, and pooling. [11]

Keras allows users to produce deep models on smartphones (iOS and Android), on the web, or on the Java Virtual Machine. [8] It also allows use of distributed training of deep-learning models on clusters of graphics processing units (GPU) and tensor processing units (TPU). [12]

See also

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The following table compares notable software frameworks, libraries and computer programs for deep learning.

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spaCy Software library

spaCy is an open-source software library for advanced natural language processing, written in the programming languages Python and Cython. The library is published under the MIT license and its main developers are Matthew Honnibal and Ines Montani, the founders of the software company Explosion.

Caffe is a deep learning framework, originally developed at University of California, Berkeley. It is open source, under a BSD license. It is written in C++, with a Python interface.

PyTorch is a machine learning library based on the Torch library, used for applications such as computer vision and natural language processing, originally developed by Meta AI and now part of the Linux Foundation umbrella. It is recognized as one of the two most popular machine learning libraries alongside TensorFlow, offering free and open-source software released under the modified BSD license. Although the Python interface is more polished and the primary focus of development, PyTorch also has a C++ interface.

Deep image prior is a type of convolutional neural network used to enhance a given image with no prior training data other than the image itself. A neural network is randomly initialized and used as prior to solve inverse problems such as noise reduction, super-resolution, and inpainting. Image statistics are captured by the structure of a convolutional image generator rather than by any previously learned capabilities.

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PlaidML is a portable tensor compiler. Tensor compilers bridge the gap between the universal mathematical descriptions of deep learning operations, such as convolution, and the platform and chip-specific code needed to perform those operations with good performance. Internally, PlaidML makes use of the Tile eDSL to generate OpenCL, OpenGL, LLVM, or CUDA code. It enables deep learning on devices where the available computing hardware is either not well supported or the available software stack contains only proprietary components. For example, it does not require the usage of CUDA or cuDNN on Nvidia hardware, while achieving comparable performance.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">François Chollet</span> Machine learning researcher

François Chollet is a French software engineer and artificial intelligence researcher currently working at Google. Chollet is the creator of the Keras deep-learning library, released in 2015, and a main contributor to the TensorFlow machine learning framework. His research focuses on computer vision, the application of machine learning to formal reasoning, abstraction, and how to achieve greater generality in artificial intelligence.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Google JAX</span> Machine Learning framework designed for parallelization and autograd.

Google JAX is a machine learning framework for transforming numerical functions, to be used in Python. It is described as bringing together a modified version of autograd and TensorFlow's XLA. It is designed to follow the structure and workflow of NumPy as closely as possible and works with various existing frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch. The primary functions of JAX are:

  1. grad: automatic differentiation
  2. jit: compilation
  3. vmap: auto-vectorization
  4. pmap: SPMD programming


  1. "Release 3.3.2". 22 April 2024. Retrieved 23 April 2024.
  2. "Keras: Deep Learning for humans". Retrieved 2024-04-30.
  3. "What's new in TensorFlow 2.16" . Retrieved 2024-04-30.
  4. Team, Keras. "Keras documentation: About Keras 3". Retrieved 2024-02-10.
  5. "Keras Documentation". Retrieved 2016-09-18.
  6. Chollet, François (2016). "Xception: Deep Learning with Depthwise Separable Convolutions". arXiv: 1610.02357 .
  7. "Keras backends". Retrieved 2018-02-23.
  8. 1 2 "Why use Keras?". Retrieved 2020-03-22.
  9. "R interface to Keras". Retrieved 2020-03-22.
  10. Chollet, François; Usui, Lauren (2023). "Introducing Keras Core: Keras for TensorFlow, JAX, and PyTorch". Retrieved 2023-07-11.
  11. "Core - Keras Documentation". Retrieved 2018-11-14.
  12. "Using TPUs | TensorFlow". TensorFlow. Archived from the original on 2019-06-04. Retrieved 2018-11-14.