Polling system

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Polling server serving n queueing nodes Polling system.svg
Polling server serving n queueing nodes

In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, a polling system or polling model is a system where a single server visits a set of queues in some order. [1] The model has applications in computer networks and telecommunications, [2] manufacturing [3] [4] and road traffic management. The term polling system was coined at least as early as 1968 [5] [6] and the earliest study of such a system in 1957 where a single repairman servicing machines in the British cotton industry was modelled. [7]


Typically it is assumed that the server visits the different queues in a cyclic manner. [1] Exact results exist for waiting times, marginal queue lengths and joint queue lengths [8] at polling epochs in certain models. [9] Mean value analysis techniques can be applied to compute average quantities. [10]

In a fluid limit, where a very large number of small jobs arrive the individual nodes can be viewed to behave similarly to fluid queues (with a two state process). [11]

Model definition

A group of n queues are served by a single server, typically in a cyclic order 1, 2, …, n, 1, …. New jobs arrive at queue i according to a Poisson process of rate λi and are served on a first-come, first-served basis with each job having a service time denoted by an independent and identically distributed random variables Si.

The server chooses when to progress to the next node according to one of the following criteria: [12]

If a queueing node is empty the server immediately moves to serve the next queueing node.

The time taken to switch from serving node i  1 and node i is denoted by the random variable di.


Define ρi = λi E(Si) and write ρ = ρ1 + ρ2 +  + ρn. Then ρ is the long-run fraction of time the server spends attending to customers. [14]

Waiting time

Expected waiting time

For gated service, the expected waiting time at node i is [12]

and for exhaustive service

where Ci is a random variable denoting the time between entries to node i and [15]

The variance of Ci is more complicated and a straightforward calculation requires solving n2 linear equations and n2 unknowns, [16] however it is possible to compute from n equations. [17]

Heavy traffic

The workload process can be approximated by a reflected Brownian motion in a heavily loaded and suitably scaled system if switching servers is immediate [18] and a Bessel process when switching servers takes time. [19]


Polling systems have been used to model Token Ring networks. [20]

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M/M/1 queue Queue with Markov (Poisson) arrival process, exponential service time distribution and one server

In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, an M/M/1 queue represents the queue length in a system having a single server, where arrivals are determined by a Poisson process and job service times have an exponential distribution. The model name is written in Kendall's notation. The model is the most elementary of queueing models and an attractive object of study as closed-form expressions can be obtained for many metrics of interest in this model. An extension of this model with more than one server is the M/M/c queue.

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In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, the M/M/c queue is a multi-server queueing model. In Kendall's notation it describes a system where arrivals form a single queue and are governed by a Poisson process, there are c servers, and job service times are exponentially distributed. It is a generalisation of the M/M/1 queue which considers only a single server. The model with infinitely many servers is the M/M/∞ queue.

In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, an M/G/1 queue is a queue model where arrivals are Markovian, service times have a General distribution and there is a single server. The model name is written in Kendall's notation, and is an extension of the M/M/1 queue, where service times must be exponentially distributed. The classic application of the M/G/1 queue is to model performance of a fixed head hard disk.

In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, a fluid queue is a mathematical model used to describe the fluid level in a reservoir subject to randomly determined periods of filling and emptying. The term dam theory was used in earlier literature for these models. The model has been used to approximate discrete models, model the spread of wildfires, in ruin theory and to model high speed data networks. The model applies the leaky bucket algorithm to a stochastic source.

In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, an M/G/k queue is a queue model where arrivals are Markovian, service times have a General distribution and there are k servers. The model name is written in Kendall's notation, and is an extension of the M/M/c queue, where service times must be exponentially distributed and of the M/G/1 queue with a single server. Most performance metrics for this queueing system are not known and remain an open problem.

In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, the M/M/∞ queue is a multi-server queueing model where every arrival experiences immediate service and does not wait. In Kendall's notation it describes a system where arrivals are governed by a Poisson process, there are infinitely many servers, so jobs do not need to wait for a server. Each job has an exponentially distributed service time. It is a limit of the M/M/c queue model where the number of servers c becomes very large.

In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, a heavy traffic approximation is the matching of a queueing model with a diffusion process under some limiting conditions on the model's parameters. The first such result was published by John Kingman who showed that when the utilisation parameter of an M/M/1 queue is near 1 a scaled version of the queue length process can be accurately approximated by a reflected Brownian motion.

In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, an M/D/1 queue represents the queue length in a system having a single server, where arrivals are determined by a Poisson process and job service times are fixed (deterministic). The model name is written in Kendall's notation. Agner Krarup Erlang first published on this model in 1909, starting the subject of queueing theory. An extension of this model with more than one server is the M/D/c queue.

In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, an M/D/c queue represents the queue length in a system having c servers, where arrivals are determined by a Poisson process and job service times are fixed (deterministic). The model name is written in Kendall's notation. Agner Krarup Erlang first published on this model in 1909, starting the subject of queueing theory. The model is an extension of the M/D/1 queue which has only a single server.

In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, the G/M/1 queue represents the queue length in a system where interarrival times have a general distribution and service times for each job have an exponential distribution. The system is described in Kendall's notation where the G denotes a general distribution, M the exponential distribution for service times and the 1 that the model has a single server.


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