Tooth gemination

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Tooth gemination
Specialty Dentistry

Tooth gemination is a dental phenomenon that appears to be two teeth developed from one. There is one main crown with a cleft in it that, within the incisal third of the crown, looks like two teeth, though it is not two teeth. The number of the teeth in the arch will be normal.


Signs and symptoms


The cause of gemination is still unknown. [3] However, there are a few possible factors contributing to gemination:


The phenomenon of gemination arises when two teeth develop from one tooth bud and, as a result, the patient has an extra tooth, in contrast to fusion, where the patient would appear to be missing one tooth. Fused teeth arise through union of two normally separated tooth germs, and depending upon the stage of development of the teeth at the time of union, it may be either complete or incomplete. On some occasions, two independent pulp chambers and root canals can be seen. However, fusion can also be the union of a normal tooth bud to a supernumerary tooth germ. In these cases, the number of teeth is also normal and differentiation from gemination may be very difficult, if not impossible. In geminated teeth, division is usually incomplete and results in a large tooth crown that has a single root and a single canal. It is an asymptomatic condition.

The prevalence of gemination or fusion is 2.5% in primary dentition, [1] and 0.1–0.2% in permanent dentition. [4] It is more frequently observed in primary than permanent dentition; anterior than posterior teeth; [5] unilaterally than bilaterally. [1] It commonly occurs in the primary upper incisors.



Before root canal treatment or extraction are carried out, the clinician should have thorough knowledge about the root canal morphology to avoid complications.

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