Tripod position

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The tripod position may be adopted by people experiencing respiratory distress or who are simply out of breath. Runners panting.jpg
The tripod position may be adopted by people experiencing respiratory distress or who are simply out of breath.

The tripod position or orthopneic position is a physical stance often assumed by people experiencing respiratory distress (such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) or who are simply out of breath (such as a person who has just run a sprint). [1] In tripod position, one sits or stands leaning forward and supporting the upper body with hands on the knees or on another surface. [2] Among medical professionals, a patient adopting the tripod position is considered an indication that the patient may be in respiratory distress. [3] In the setting of chest pain without labored respirations, the tripod position may indicate acute pericarditis.

It has been thought that the tripod position optimizes the mechanics of respiration by taking advantage of the accessory muscles of the neck and upper chest to get more air into the lungs. [4] [5] With the position of the arms secure, contraction of the pectoralis results in elevation of the anterior wall of the chest. [6]

Patients who are suffering from breathing difficulties may be placed in this position by nurses; the patient sits at the side of the bed with head resting on an over-bed table on top of several pillows. [7]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Emphysema</span> Medical condition

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  1. Examination of Musculoskeletal Injuries, by Sandra J. Shultz, Peggy A. Houglum, David H. Perrin
  2. Archived 2016-06-16 at the Wayback Machine , Effect of Tripod Position on Objective Parameters of Respiratory Function in Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; S.P. Bhatt1, R. Guleria1, T.K. Luqman-Arafath1, A.K. Gupta2, A. Mohan1, S. Nanda1 and J.C. Stoltzfus3
  3. SweetHaven Publishing Services, Taking Vital Signs
  4. UCSD Catalog of Clinical Images
  5. Examination of Musculoskeletal Injuries, by Sandra J. Shultz, Peggy A. Houglum, David H. Perrin
  6. Respiratory Physiology: a Clinical Approach, by Richard M. Schwartzstein and Michael J. Parker; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (August 12, 2005)
  7. Doyle, Glynda Rees; McCutcheon, Jodie Anita (2015-11-23). "3.5 Positioning Patients in Bed". Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care.