1472 Altarpiece

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Scheme of the altarpiece Carlo crivelli, polittico del 1472.jpg
Scheme of the altarpiece

The 1472 Altarpiece was a tempera and oil on panel altarpiece by the Italian Renaissance painter Carlo Crivelli, dated 1472 on the central panel. Also known as the Fesch Altarpiece or the Eckinson Altarpiece, it is now divided up between a number of galleries in the United States and Europe. [1]


The work probably originated in or near Fermo, in the Marche, where the artist was active for a number of years. In 1834 Amico Ricci wrote of a "Madonna with saints" by Crivelli from the church of San Domenico in Fermo which had been sold a few years earlier. It is stylistically close to the artist's Massa Fermana Altarpiece. It had five panels on the main register, topped by a Pietà which may have been flanked by four now-lost unidentified half-length saints. [2]

List of panels

An early reconstruction of the work was produced in 1933 by Venturi and this was improved in 1958 by Bernard Berenson and in 1961 by Federico Zeri: [3]

Possible reconstruction

Carlo Crivelli - Pieta - WGA05790.jpg
Brooklyn Museum - Saint James Major part of an altarpiece - Carlo Crivelli.jpg Carlo crivelli, san nicola di bari.jpg Carlo crivelli, madonna linsky.jpg Carlo crivelli, san domenico.jpg Carlo Crivelli - St George - WGA5797.jpg
Carlo crivelli, san pietro.jpg Carlo crivelli, san bartolomeo.jpg Carlo Crivelli, salvatore, c. 1470, El Paso Museum of Art.jpg Carlo crivelli, san giovanni evangelista.jpg Carlo crivelli, san filippo apostolo.jpg

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  1. (in Italian) Pietro Zampetti, Carlo Crivelli, Nardini Editore, Firenze 1986.
  2. "Scheme for the altarpiece".
  3. "Scheme of the predella".