Joachim a Burck – Passio Iesu Christi.Im 22. Psalm des Propheten Davids beschrieben for four voices (Erfurt: Georg Baumann)
Joachim a Burck & Johannes Eccard – Odae Ludovici Helmboldi, latinae & germanicae (Odes of Ludwig Helmbold, in Latin and German) for four voices (Mühlhausen: Georg Hantzsch), a shared volume of hymn settings
Ippolito Chamaterò – Introits for four, five, and six voices (Venice: heirs of Girolamo Scotto)
Girolamo Dalla Casa – First book of madrigals for five and six voices (Venice: the sons of Antonio Gardano)
Johannes Eccard – Zwentzig Neue Christliche Gesäng Ludovici Helmboldi (Twenty New Christian Songs by Ludwig Helmbold) for four voices (Mühlhausen: Georg Hantzsch)
Andrea Gabrieli – First book of madrigals for six voices (Venice: Antonio Gardano, figliuoli)
Vincenzo Galilei – First book of madrigals for four and five voices (Venice: Antonio Gardano, figliuoli)
Jacobus de Kerle – Egregia cantio, in gratiam et honorem generosi ac nobilis domini, Melchioris Lincken Augustani for six voices (Nuremberg: Theodor Gerlach)
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