1587 in art

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List of years in art (table)

Events from the year 1587 in art.



Francken - Jesus among the Doctors, Cathedral of Our Lady (Antwerp) Cristoentrelosescribas.jpg
Francken Jesus among the Doctors , Cathedral of Our Lady (Antwerp)



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  1. Karl Baedeker (Firm) (1909). Italy ...: Central Italy and Rome. p. 313.
  2. Abraham van der Haagen in the RKD
  3. Wouter T. Kloek; Hessel Miedema; J. Bruyn; Christian Schuckman (1 January 1993). Dawn of the Golden Age: Northern Netherlandish Art, 1580-1620. Rijksmuseum. p. 320. ISBN   978-0-300-06016-4.
  4. Michael Bryan (1865). A biographical and critical dictionary of painters and engravers... H. G. Bohn. p. 15.
  5. John Bulloch (1885). George Jamesone: The Scottish Vandyck. David Douglas. p. 32.
  6. Luigi Salerno (1977). Landscape painters of the seventeenth century in Rome. U. Bozzi. p. 200. ISBN   978-88-7003-009-9.
  7. Joseph Robert Hoffman (1975). Lelio Orsi Da Novellara (1511-1587): A Stylistic Chronology. University of Wisconsin--Madison. p. 243.
  8. The New Werner Twentieth Century Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Standard Work of Reference in Art, Literature, Science, History, Geography, Commerce, Biography, Discovery and Invention... Werner Company. 1906. p. 29.