15th Parliament of Lower Canada

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The 15th Parliament of Lower Canada was in session from March 21, 1835, to March 27, 1838. Elections to the Legislative Assembly in Lower Canada had been held in October 1834. The lower house was dissolved following the Lower Canada Rebellion and Lower Canada was administered by an appointed Special Council until the Act of Union in 1840 established a new lower chamber for the Province of Canada. All sessions were held at Quebec City.

The 15th Parliament of Lower Canada was elected in 1834. The general election of 1834 allowed voters of Lower Canada to choose 88 deputies, spread over a total of 46 constituencies -- four single member districts (Magantic, Drummond, Montmorency and William-Henry) and 42 2-seat districts.

Beauce Antoine-Charles Taschereau
Beauce Pierre-Elzéar Taschereau [1]
Joseph-André Taschereau (1835)
Beauharnois Charles Archambault
Beauharnois Jacob De Witt
Bellechasse Augustin-Norbert Morin
Bellechasse Nicolas Boissonnault
Berthier Alexis Mousseau
Berthier Jacques Deligny [2]
Norbert Éno (1837)
Bonaventure Édouard Thibaudeau [3]
James McCracken (1836)
Bonaventure Joseph-François Deblois
Chambly Louis Lacoste
Chambly Louis-Michel Viger
Champlain Olivier Trudel
Pierre-Antoine Dorion
Deux-Montagnes William Henry Scott
Deux-Montagnes Jean-Joseph Girouard
Dorchester Jean-Baptiste Beaudoin
Dorchester Jean Bouffard
Drummond Edward Toomy
Drummond [4] Henry Menut (1836)
Gaspé John Le Boutillier
Gaspé William Power
Kamouraska Amable Dionne [5]
Alexandre Fraser (1835)
Kamouraska Pierre Canac, dit Marquis
L'Acadie Merritt Hotchkiss
L'Acadie Cyrille-Hector-Octave Côté
Lachenaie Charles Courteau
Lachenaie Jean-Marie Rochon [6]
Ludger Duvernay (1837)
Laprairie Jean-Moïse Raymond
Laprairie Joseph-Narcisse Cardinal
L'Assomption Édouard-Étienne Rodier
L'Assomption Jean-Baptiste Meilleur
L'Islet Jean-Baptiste Fortin
L'Islet Jean-Charles Létourneau
Lotbinière Louis Méthot
Lotbinière Jean-Baptiste-Isaïe Noël
Mégantic John Greaves Clapham
Missisquoi Ephraim Knight
Missisquoi William Baker
Montmorency Elzéar Bédard [7]
Nicolas Lefrançois (1836)
Montmorency [4] Vital Têtu (1836)
Montreal County Côme-Séraphin Cherrier
Montreal CountyLouis-Joseph Papineau (resigned immediately) [8]
André Jobin (1835) [8]
Montreal East Joseph Roy
Montreal East James Leslie
Montreal West Louis-Joseph Papineau
Montreal West Robert Nelson
Nicolet Jean-Baptiste Proulx
Nicolet Louis Bourdages [9]
Jean-Baptiste Hébert (1835)
Orléans Alexis Godbout
Orléans Jean-Baptiste Cazeau
Ottawa Baxter Bowman
Ottawa James Blackburn
Portneuf Hector-Simon Huot
Portneuf François-Xavier Larue
Quebec County Louis-Théodore Besserer
Quebec County Jean Blanchet
Quebec (Lower Town) George Vanfelson [10]
John Munn (1837)
Quebec (Lower Town) Hippolyte Dubord
Quebec (Upper Town) René-Édouard Caron [11]
Andrew Stuart (1836)
Quebec (Upper Town) Amable Berthelot
Richelieu Clément-Charles Sabrevois de Bleury [12]
Richelieu Jacques Dorion
Rimouski Jean-Baptiste Taché
Rimouski Louis Bertrand
Rouville Pierre-Martial Bardy
Rouville Pierre Careau
Saguenay François-Xavier Tessier [13]
Charles Drolet (1836)
Saguenay André Cimon
Saint-Hyacinthe Thomas Boutillier
Saint-Hyacinthe Louis Raynaud, dit Blanchard
Saint-Maurice Valère Guillet [14]
François Lesieur Desaulniers (1836)
Pierre Bureau [15]
Alexis Bareil, dit Lajoie (1836)
Shefford Alphonso Wells
Shefford Samuel Wood
Sherbrooke John Moore
Sherbrooke Bartholomew Conrad Augustus Gugy
Stanstead John Grannis [16]
Moses French Colby (1837)
Stanstead Marcus Child
Terrebonne Séraphin Bouc [17]
André-Benjamin Papineau (1837)
Terrebonne Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine
Trois-Rivières Edward Barnard
Trois-Rivières René-Joseph Kimber
Vaudreuil Charles-Ovide Perrault
Vaudreuil Charles Rocbrune, dit Larocque
Verchères Pierre Amiot
Verchères Joseph-Toussaint Drolet
William-Henry John Pickel
Yamaska Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan
Yamaska Léonard Godefroy de Tonnancour

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  1. resigned in November 1835; Joseph-André Taschereau was elected in a by-election held in December 1835.
  2. died in January 1837; Norbert Éno was elected in a by-election held in March 1837.
  3. died in August 1836; James McCracken was elected in a by-election held in December 1836.
  4. 1 2 second seat added in 1836
  5. resigned in May 1835; Alexandre Fraser was elected in a by-election held in June 1835.
  6. Died in February 1837; Ludger Duvernay was elected in a by-election held in May 1837.
  7. resigned to accept a position as judge in February 1836; Nicolas Lefrançois was elected in a by-election held in March 1836.
  8. 1 2 Louis-Joseph Papineau was elected in Montreal County and Montreal West, choosing to represent the latter; André Jobin was elected in a by-election held in November 1835.
  9. died in January 1835; Jean-Baptiste Hébert was elected in a by-election held in April 1835.
  10. resigned his seat in June 1837; John Munn was elected in a by-election held in July 1837.
  11. resigned in March 1836; Andrew Stuart was elected in a by-election held in March 1836.
  12. resigned his seat in August 1837 after being appointed to Legislative Council
  13. died in December 1835; Charles Drolet was elected in a by-election held in February 1836.
  14. resigned in June 1836; François Lesieur Desaulniers was elected in a by-election held in August 1836.
  15. died in June 1836; Alexis Bareil, dit Lajoie was elected in a by-election held in August 1836.
  16. resigned in October 1836; Moses French Colby was elected in a by-election held in January 1837.
  17. died in July 1837; André-Benjamin Papineau was elected in a by-election held in September 1837.