2022 Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry United Counties municipal elections

Last updated

Elections were held in Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry United Counties, Ontario on October 24, 2022 in conjunction with municipal elections across the province.


Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry United Counties Council

Council consists of the mayors and deputy mayors of each of the townships. [1] It does not include the city of Cornwall.

North Dundas MayorTony Fraser (acclaimed)
North Dundas Deputy MayorTheresa Bergeron (acclaimed)
North Glengarry MayorJamie MacDonald (acclaimed)
North Glengarry Deputy MayorCarma Williams (acclaimed)
North Stormont MayorFrancois Landry
North Stormont Deputy MayorSteve Densham
South Dundas MayorJason Broad
South Dundas Deputy MayorMarc St. Pierre
South Glengarry MayorLachlan McDonald
South Glengarry Deputy MayorMartin Lang
South Stormont MayorBryan McGillis
South Stormont Deputy MayorAndrew Guindon

North Dundas

The following were the results for mayor and deputy mayor of North Dundas. [2]


Incumbent mayor Tony Fraser was acclaimed in his bid for re-election. [3]

Mayoral CandidateVote %
Tony Fraser (X)Acclaimed

Deputy mayor

Deputy Mayoral CandidateVote %
Theresa Bergeron (X)Acclaimed

North Glengarry

The following were the results for mayor and deputy mayor of North Glengarry. [4]


Mayor Jamie MacDonald was re-elected by acclamation. [5]

Mayoral CandidateVote %
Jamie MacDonald (X)Acclaimed

Deputy mayor

Deputy Mayoral CandidateVote %
Carma Williams (X)Acclaimed

North Stormont

The following were the results for mayor and deputy mayor of North Stormont. [6]


Deputy mayor Francois Landry ran for mayor. [7]

Mayoral CandidateVote %
Francois Landry1,59559.58
Roxane Villeneuve1,08240.42

Deputy mayor

Deputy Mayoral CandidateVote %
Steve Densham1,66863.83
Dean Laponsee94536.17

South Dundas

The following were the results for mayor and deputy mayor of South Dundas. [8]


Running for mayor of South Dundas was deputy mayor Kirsten Gardner and former councillor Bill Ewing. [9]

Mayoral CandidateVote %
Jason Broad1,59641.47
Kirsten Gardner1,16030.14
Bill Ewing1,09328.40

Deputy mayor

Deputy Mayoral CandidateVote %
Marc St. Pierre2,04053.22
Donald William Lewis1,11229.01
Tammy Thom68117.77

South Glengarry

The following were the results for mayor and deputy mayor of South Glengarry. [10]


Mayoral CandidateVote %
Lachlan McDonald2,35853.34
Lyle Warden (X)2,06346.66

Deputy mayor

Deputy Mayoral CandidateVote %
Martin Lang3,20174.01
Jacqueline Milner1,12425.99

South Stormont

The following were the results for mayor and deputy mayor of South Stormont. [11]


Incumbent mayor Bryan McGillis ran against deputy mayor David Smith. [12]

Mayoral CandidateVote %
Bryan McGillis (X)2,59258.64
David Smith1,82841.36

Deputy mayor

Deputy Mayoral CandidateVote %
Andrew Guindon3,02468.71
Richard Waldroff1,37731.29


  1. "Our Council & Committees". SDG Counties. Retrieved August 20, 2022.
  2. "Municipal Election 2022". Township of North Dundas. Retrieved August 20, 2022.
  3. "Here are the candidates to be acclaimed as mayor across eastern Ontario". CTV. Retrieved August 20, 2022.
  4. "2022 Candidate Nominations". Township of North Glengarry. Retrieved August 20, 2022.
  5. "Here are the candidates to be acclaimed as mayor across eastern Ontario". iHeartRadio. Retrieved August 20, 2022.
  6. "Current Candidates". North Stormont. Retrieved August 20, 2022.
  7. "SDG municipal election candidate roundup". Cornwall Standard-Freeholder. Retrieved August 28, 2022.
  8. "Elections". Municipality of South Dundas. Retrieved August 20, 2022.
  9. "Municipal nominations close". Morrisburg Leader. Retrieved August 20, 2022.
  10. "Candidates". Township of South Glengarry. Retrieved August 20, 2022.
  11. "Who is Running?". Township of South Stormont. Retrieved August 20, 2022.
  12. "Municipal nomination period closing August 19 – Regional roundup". Seaway News. Retrieved August 20, 2022.