4th World Congress of the Communist International | |
Begins | November 5, 1922 |
Ends | December 5, 1922 |
Location(s) | Moscow |
Country | ![]() |
Previous event | 3rd Congress |
Next event | 5th Congress |
The 4th World Congress of the Communist International was an assembly of delegates to the Communist International held in Petrograd and Moscow, Soviet Russia, between November 5 and December 5, 1922. A total of 343 voting delegates from 58 countries were in attendance. The 4th World Congress is best remembered for having amplified the tactic of the United Front into a fundamental part of international Communist policy. The gathering also elected a new set of leaders to the Comintern's governing body, the Executive Committee of the Communist International (ECCI).
The 4th World Congress of the Comintern was convened on November 5, 1922 — just days after Benito Mussolini's March on Rome that effectively seized power for his National Fascist Party. [1] The revolutionary upsurge which had swept Europe during the years immediately following the termination of World War I was clearly in full retreat and the international Communist movement saw itself in need for accommodation to this changed political environment.
With the prospects for immediate revolution in the industrialized countries of Western Europe fading, the defense of the regime in Soviet Russia had rapidly come to be seen as the chief priority of the Communist movement. [2] Owing to the failure of revolution in Finland, Germany, Hungary, and elsewhere, the stature of the Communist Party of Russia was enhanced relative to other Communist Parties of the world, and tendencies towards centralization and Russian dominance were thereby accelerated. [2]
The 4th World Congress was attended by 343 voting delegates from 58 different countries. [3] An additional 65 delegates were present with the right to speak but not to vote, and another 6 were admitted as guests. [4] The gathering was the last congress of the Comintern attended by Soviet leader V.I. Lenin, who was too ill to attend any regular sessions and only appeared to deliver a single speech. [5]
The Congress opened at 9 pm in the People's House in Petrograd, called to order by Clara Zetkin of Germany, who noted the fifth anniversary of the October Revolution of 1917. [6] An honorary 13 member Presidium of the Congress — chosen in advance by ECCI in consultation with important national parties — was unanimously elected as the first order of business. [7]
The World Congress, as the highest decision-making authority of the Communist International, was marked by the bitter factional battles of various member parties, with each group seeking final decision in favor of its policies and positions. Chief among these was the battle among the delegates of the Communist Party of America, split into two hostile factional groups. [8] The battle spilled into the nominations for the American seat on the governing Executive Committee of the Communist International, with American Otto Huiswoud protesting the nomination of C.E. Ruthenberg for this position, arguing that he had himself been selected for the spot by the American delegation. [8] Huiswoud's protest was to no avail as the new Executive was proposed as a single slate of pre-determined names, all amendments were rejected, and the list of candidates was approved en bloc. [8]
Paying considerable attention to the growth of the fascist danger (in connection with the establishment of the fascist dictatorship in Italy), the Congress emphasized that the main means of combating fascism was the tactics of the united workers' front. To rally the broad masses of working people, who were not yet ready to fight for the dictatorship of the proletariat, but were already capable of fighting for economic and political rights against the bourgeoisie, the slogan of a “workers' government” was put forward (later the slogan of a workers' and peasants' government). While the tactic of the United Front was first adopted by ECCI in December 1921, [9] the 4th World Congress is remembered to history for having extended and further institutionalized the tactic. [10]
Members of the presidium were: [7]
Speakers at the 4th World Congress [11] | |||
Name | Country | Sessions | Notes |
Isidoro Acevedo | Spain | 6 | |
Sadrettin Celal Antel | Turkey | 17, 20 | Used pseudonym "Orhan." Trade Unions; Eastern Question. |
Izidoro Azzario | Italy | 1 | |
Karl Becker | Germany | 4 | |
Max Bedacht | USA | 7 | |
Émile Béron | France | 1, 18, 19, 26 | |
Amadeo Bordiga | Italy | 3, 4, 12, 18, 27, 30, 32 | Report of ECCI; Italy. |
Tahar Boudengha | Tunisia | 19 | Eastern Question. |
Nikolai Bukharin | Soviet Russia | 5, 6, 14, 18, 31 | Program; Norway. |
Sidney Bunting | South Africa | 20 | Eastern Question. |
Marcel Cachin | France | 17, 25, 29 | Trade Unions; France. |
Antonio Canellas | Brazil | 29 | France. |
John S. Clarke | Great Britain | 16 | Trade Unions. |
Roderic Connolly | Ireland | 26, 32 | |
Henryk Domski | Poland | 6, 7 | |
Pierre Dormoy | France | 7 | |
Jean Duret | France | 4, 7 | |
William Earsman | Australia | 20 | Eastern Question. |
Hugo Eberlein | Germany | 13, 26, 29 | |
Alfred S. Edwards | USA | 7 | Used the pseudonym "Sullivan." |
Ferdinand Faure | France | 5 | |
Franciszek Fiedler | Poland | 26 | Used pseudonym "Keller." |
Ruth Fischer | Germany | 3 | |
Paul Friedländer | Austria | 7, 26 | |
Jock Garden | Australia | 17 | Trade Unions. |
Egidio Gennari | Italy | 25 | |
Antonio Graziadei | Italy | 4, 7, 30 | Italy. |
Anna Grün | Austria | 27, 32 | |
Otto Huiswoud | USA | 22, 32 | Used the pseudonym "Billings." Negro Question. |
Fritz Heckert | Germany | 17 | Trade Unions. |
Arthur Henriet | France | 23 | Cooperative Movement. |
Edwin Hoernle | Germany | 13, 25, 32 | Education. |
Jules Humbert-Droz | Switzerland | 2, 5, 13, 29 | Report of ECCI; France. |
Mahmud Husni el-Arabi | Egypt | 20 | Eastern Question. |
Renaud Jean | France | 29 | France. |
Jack Johnstone | USA | 12 | Used the pseudonym "Pullman." |
William Joss | Great Britain | 21 | Agrarian Question. |
Khristo Kabakchiev | Bulgaria | 15 | Program. |
Varsenika Kasparova | Soviet Russia | 24 | Women's Movement |
Sen Katayama | Japan | 1, 6, 19, 22, 27 | Eastern Question; Agrarian Question. |
Ludwig Katterfeld | USA | 5 | Used pseudonym "Carr." |
L.M. Khinchuk | Soviet Russia | 23 | Cooperative Movement. |
Vasil Kolarov | Bulgaria | 1, 6, 19, 27, 32 | Eastern Question. |
Feliks Kon | Poland | 1, 27, 31 | |
Wera Kostrzeva | Poland | 22 | Agrarian Question. |
Nadezhda Krupskaya | Soviet Russia | 25 | Education. |
Joseph E. Kucher | USA | 17 | Trade Unions. |
Béla Kun | Hungary | 9 | Five Years of the Russian Revolution commemoration. |
Otto Kuusinen | Finland | 29 | France. |
Jenö Landler | Hungary | 6 | |
Henri Lauridan | France | 17, 23 | Trade Unions; Cooperative Movement. |
V.I. Lenin | Soviet Russia | 8 | Five Years of the Russian Revolution commemoration. |
Liu Renjing | China | 20 | Eastern Question. |
A. Lozovsky | Soviet Russia | 16, 18 | Trade Unions. |
Julian Marchlewski | Poland | 27 | |
Claude McKay | USA | 22 | Negro Question. |
V.N. Meshcheriakov | Soviet Russia | 23 | Cooperative Movement. |
Ernst Meyer | Germany | 3, 7 | |
Haakon Meyer | Norway | 5, 32 | |
J.T. Murphy | Great Britain | 5, 24, 26 | Women's Movement; Versailles Treaty. |
Willi Münzenberg | Germany | 18, 31 | International Workers' Aid. |
Alois Neurath | Czechoslovakia | 3 | |
Karim Nikbin | Iran | 20 | Eastern Question. |
Kosta Novakovic | Yugoslavia | 31 | Used the pseudonym "Stanic." Yugoslavia. |
Ana Pauker | Romania | 21 | Eastern Question. |
Jan Pavlik | Czechoslovakia | 17 | Trade Unions. |
Gabriel Péri | France | 7 | |
Karl Radek | Soviet Russia | 3, 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 30 | |
Ljubomir Radovanovic | Yugoslavia | 13, 25, 31 | Used the pseudonym "Radic." Versailles Treaty; Yugoslavia. |
Mátyás Rákosi | Hungary | 6 | |
Daniel Renoult | France | 29 | France |
Roger Rieu | France | 21 | Agrarian Question. |
Alfred Rosmer | France | 6, 13, 17 | Trade Unions. |
M.N. Roy | India | 19 | Eastern Question. |
G.I. Safarov | Soviet Russia | 20 | Eastern Question. |
Richard Schüller | Austria | 22, 29 | Youth; France. |
Mauro Scoccimarro | Italy | 7 | |
Armin Seiden | Czechoslovakia | 6 | |
Giacinto Serrati | Italy | 30 | Italy. |
Bohumír Šmeral | Czechoslovakia | 12, 25, 30 | Czechoslovakia. |
Sofia Smidovich | Soviet Russia | 24 | Women's Movement. |
Boris Souvarine | France | 7, 29 | France; Czechoslovakia. |
Rose Pastor Stokes | USA | 27 | Used the pseudonym "Sasha." |
Ciril Štukelj | Slovenia | 31 | Used the pseudonym "Marynko." |
Václav Šturc | Czechoslovakia | 30 | Czechoslovakia. |
Hertha Sturm | Germany | 17, 34 | Trade Unions; Women's Movement. |
Arne Swabeck | USA | 17 | Trade Unions. |
Ibrahim Datoek Tan Malaka | Dutch East Indies | 7 | Anticolonial Collaboration of Communism and Pan-Islamism |
Angelo Tasca | Italy | 17 | Trade Unions. |
Ivan Teodorovich | Soviet Russia | 21 | Agrarian Question. |
August Thalheimer | Germany | 14 | Program. |
Oscar Torp | Norway | 32 | |
Leon Trotsky | Soviet Russia | 10, 28, 29 | Five Years of the Russian Revolution commemoration; France. |
Hugo Urbahns | Germany | 12 | |
Emanuel Vajtauer | Czechoslovakia | 3 | |
Eugen Varga | Hungary | 3, 21, 22, 27 | Agrarian Question. |
Eduard van Overstraeten | Belgium | 19 | Eastern Question. |
Willem van Ravesteyn | Netherlands | 6, 13, 19 | Eastern Question. |
Julius Vercik | Czechoslovakia | 17 | Trade Unions. |
Voja Vujovic | France | 7 | |
Adolf Warszawski | Poland | 5 | Used the pseudonym "Michalkowski." |
Harry Webb | Great Britain | 13, 20 | Eastern Question. |
Franz Welti | Switzerland | 13 | |
Clara Zetkin | Germany | 1, 8, 9, 13, 24, 32 | Keynote opening speech; 5 years of the Russian Revolution; Women's Movement |
Grigory Zinoviev | Soviet Russia | 1, 2, 3, 7, 13, 18, 30, 32 | President of the Comintern. |
The Communist International (Comintern), also known as the Third International, was a political international which existed from 1919 to 1943 and advocated world communism. It was led and controlled by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and maintained strict conditions of affiliation in order to exclude social democratic parties and more moderate or non-Marxist socialists. The international was intended as a replacement for the Second International, which had dissolved in 1916 during World War I.
The Red International of Labor Unions, commonly known as the Profintern, was an international body established by the Communist International (Comintern) with the aim of coordinating communist activities within trade unions. Formally established in 1921, the Profintern aimed to act as a counterweight to the influence of the so-called "Amsterdam International", the social-democratic International Federation of Trade Unions, an organization which the Comintern branded as "class-collaborationist" and as an impediment to revolution. After entering a period of decline in the middle 1930s, the Profintern was finally dissolved in 1937 with the advent of Comintern's "Popular Front" policy.
József Pogány, known in English as John Pepper or Joseph Pogany, was a Hungarian Communist politician. He later served as a functionary in the Communist International (Comintern) in Moscow, before being cashiered in 1929. Later as an official in the Soviet government, Pepper ran afoul of the secret police and was executed during the Great Terror of 1937–38.
Ludovic-Oscar Frossard, also known as L.-O. Frossard or Oscar Frossard, was a French socialist and communist politician. He was a founding member in 1905 and Secretary-General of the French Socialist Party (SFIO) from 1918 to 1920, as well as a founding member and Secretary-General of the French Communist Party (PCF) from 1920 to 1922.
Robert Berkeley "Bob" Minor, alternatively known as "Fighting Bob", was a political cartoonist, a radical journalist, and, beginning in 1920, a leading member of the Communist Party USA.
The Congress of the Peoples of the East was a multinational conference held in September 1920 by the Communist International in Baku, Azerbaijan. The congress was attended by nearly 1,900 delegates from across Asia and Europe and marked a commitment by the Comintern to support revolutionary nationalist movements in the colonial "East" in addition to the traditional radical labour movement of Europe, North America, and Australasia. Although attended by delegates representing more than two dozen ethnic entities of the Middle East and the Far East, the Baku Congress was dominated by the lengthy speeches of leaders from the Russian Communist Party (RCP), including: Grigory Zinoviev, Karl Radek, Mikhail Pavlovich, and Anatoly Skachko. Non-RCP delegates delivering major reports included Hungarian revolutionary Béla Kun and Turkish feminist Naciye Hanım.
Heinrich Brandler was a German communist, trade unionist, politician, revolutionary activist, and political writer. Brandler is best remembered as the head of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) during the party's ill-fated "March Action" of 1921 and aborted uprising of 1923, for which he was held responsible by the Communist International. Expelled from the Communist Party in December 1928, Brandler went on to become co-founder of the Communist Party of Germany Opposition, the first national section of the so-called International Right Opposition.
Ghiță Moscu was a Romanian socialist and communist activist, one of the early leaders of the Romanian Communist Party and its permanent delegate to the Third International. He was executed in the Soviet Union during the Great Purge.
The 2nd World Congress of the Communist International was a gathering of approximately 220 voting and non-voting representatives of communist and revolutionary socialist political parties from around the world, held in Petrograd and Moscow from July 19 to August 7, 1920. The 2nd Congress is best remembered for formulating and implementing the 21 Conditions for membership in the Communist International.
The 1st Congress of the Communist International was an international gathering of communist, revolutionary socialist, and syndicalist delegates held in Moscow which established the Communist International (Comintern). The gathering, held from March 2 to 6, 1919, was attended by 51 representatives of more than two dozen countries from around Europe, North America, and Asia.
Ernst Meyer was a German Communist political activist and politician and a chairman of the KPD. He is best remembered as a founding member and top leader of the Communist Party of Germany and as the leader of that party's membership in the Prussian Landtag. A political opponent of Ernst Thälmann, Meyer was moved out of the top party leadership after 1928, not long before his death of tuberculosis-related pneumonia at the age of 43.
Otto Eduard Gerardus Majella Huiswoud was a Surinamese political activist who was a charter member of the Communist Party of America. Huiswoud is regarded as the first black member of the American communist movement. Huiswoud served briefly as the Communist Party's representative to the Executive Committee of the Communist International in 1922 and was a leading black Comintern functionary during the decade of the 1920s.
The Communist Women's International was launched as an autonomous offshoot of the Communist International in April 1920 for the purpose of advancing communist ideas among women. The Communist Women's International was intended to play the same role for the international women's movement that the Red Peasant International played for poor agrarians and the Red International of Labor Unions played for the international labor movement.
Avetis Sultanovich Sultan-Zade was a Persian-born ethnic Armenian communist revolutionary and economist, best remembered as one of the founders of the Communist Party of Iran. Sultan-Zade was a delegate to the Second World Congress of the Communist International in 1920 and was for a time one of the leading figures of the Marxist revolutionary movement in the so-called "East." Following his demotion from the leadership of the Iranian Communist Party and the Comintern in 1923, Sultan-Zada lived in the Soviet Union where he worked as a government functionary in the banking industry.
International Red Aid was an international social-service organization. MOPR was founded in 1922 by the Communist International to function as an "international political Red Cross", providing material and moral aid to radical "class-war" political prisoners around the world.
A united front is an alliance of groups against their common enemies, figuratively evoking unification of previously separate geographic fronts and/or unification of previously separate armies into a front. The name often refers to a political and/or military struggle carried out by revolutionaries, especially in revolutionary socialism, communism, or anarchism. The basic theory of the united front tactic among socialists was first developed by the Communist International, an international communist organization created by communists in the wake of the October Revolution. According to the thesis of the 1922 4th World Congress of the Communist International:
The united front tactic is simply an initiative whereby the communists propose to join with all workers belonging to other parties and groups and all unaligned workers in a common struggle to defend the immediate, basic interests of the working class against the bourgeoisie.
The Executive Committee of the Communist International, commonly known by its acronym, ECCI (Russian acronym ИККИ - for Исполнительный комитет Коммунистического интернационала), was the governing authority of the Comintern between the World Congresses of that body. The ECCI, established by the Founding Congress of the Comintern in 1919, was dissolved with the rest of the Comintern in May 1943.
The Seventh World Congress of the Communist International (Comintern) was a multinational conference held in Moscow from July 25 through August 20, 1935 by delegated representatives of ruling and non-ruling communist parties from around the world and invited guests representing other political and organized labor organizations. The gathering was attended by 513 delegates, of whom 371 were accorded full voting rights, representing 65 Comintern member parties as well as 19 sympathizing parties.
John Riddell is a Canadian Marxist essayist, historian, editor, translator and activist. He is best known as editor of The Communist International in Lenin’s Time, an eight-volume series of books of Communist International documents, many of which have been translated into English for the first time.
The Sixth Congress of the Communist International was held in Moscow from July 17 to September 1, 1928. The Congress was attended by 515 delegates from 65 organizations from 57 countries. Adopting the theory of the "Third Period", Congress proclaimed social democracy to be "social fascism."