aCOMMENT was an early Australian modernist avant-garde literary "little magazine" [1] of the 1940s published in Melbourne by Cecily Crozier. It ran to twenty-six, mostly quarterly, issues from 1940 to 1947.
Cecily Crozier, recently returned with her mother to Australia at the commencement of WW2, noted in 1940 that Melbourne had no avant-garde literary magazine. Despite wartime being inopportune for the launch of such a venture she, with her cousins Sylvia, Eila and Irvine Heber Green (1913–1997) in September that year published Comment, sometimes subtitled "A Journal of Poetry, Art, Literature and Social Comment" and soon retitled aCOMMENT; the title set thus on each cover, with a small lower-case 'a' embedded within, most frequently, the all-capitals word 'COMMENT'.
It appeared one month before its better known contemporary, Angry Penguins , with which it shared many of its contributors, and which it outlived by a year. The mainstream press was slow to report its existence. In October 1941 Perth's Daily News cast the first stones, especially at its design, the reviewer having received a
"gift of some copies of a queer (to me) little publication, 'a comment,' produced in Melbourne. It is a manifestation of the revolt of some young persons against the order of things accepted by the great majority, as surrealism is in the field of pictorial art. Making a bold bid for freedom 'a comment' will have no truck with capital letters, and the arch rebels among its contributors scorn punctuation." [2]
The Sydney Morning Herald rated it "the most suavely produced – on brown paper with Cairo type – [...] sophisticated man-about-town (and lately somewhat in need of cash) of the literary journals," [3] while The Age newspaper article about the January 1945 issue was headed "High-brows Only";
"Readers of modern literature, of the experimental kind, may like to know about A Comment...It is an attractive little magazine, if you like this sort of thing...A comment on Angry Adelaide with a plea for freedom of expression, a fine poem by Alec King, and one or two indifferent lino cuts make up the staple of this number. For those interested, it is well worth the price. Those who like the orthodox are urged to stick to their accustomed periodical literature." [4]
The Sydney Jewish News columnist George M. Berger, [5] having himself contributed to the magazine, noted that "among...the magazine’s principal contributors, are at least two Jews, Max Harris and Karl Shapiro," and was less equivocal in praise;
"Since the publication of “Art in Australia” had to cease because of paper-shortage, A Comment, has become the only Australian periodical of progressive literary design. It is aptly illustrated by linocuts and photo-studies by contemporary artists such as Menkhorst and Irvine Green. Its publisher can be congratulated upon the magazine’s value as a mouth piece and forum of progressive endeavour, and should be encouraged by greater publicity for her efforts." [6]
In his memoir of the period, contributor to the magazine Alister Kershaw remarks on;
"...the dispiriting atmosphere prevailing when Cecily Crozier took it into her head to launch her Comment. She must have been raving mad. I've been delicately hinting that there was never a good moment at which to start a highbrow magazine but Cecily chose the very wartime it seems to be generally agreed that there's something unpatriotic, something downright subversive, about any cultural activity other than painting portraits of generals or writing dispatches as a war correspondent. To her credit, Cecily didn't give a hoot for whatever tut-tutting disapproval she may have encountered but she must have felt tempted on occasion to call the whole harebrained enterprise off when she came up against the material difficulties involved. For another wartime phenomenon is that, within minutes of hostilities breaking out, everything, from bootlaces to wheelbarrows, and everybody, from circus acrobats to monumental masons, virtually disappear overnight. When Comment came in to existence there was a shortage a of printers and a shortage of type, a shortage of staples, a shortage, for all I know, of ink. And, first and foremost, there was a shortage of paper." [7]
Victoria Perin notes that Crozier was among a number of women during WW2 who valiantly nurtured and maintained the still nascent modernist art and culture of Australia. [8]
The magazine's editing was carried out at Crozier's home at 42 Bourke Road, Oakleigh. [6] Due to the wartime shortages the magazine was printed on 23 cm brown wrapping paper by Bradley Printers [9] of 40 Glenferrie Road, Malvern, and set in the Cairo typeface. Issues of 8–30 pages appeared irregularly; nominally quarterly, apart from a double number 9 & 10 (Jan. 1942) titled A new year comment. The cover price was sixpence (1940–1942); one shilling (1943); rising to one shilling and sixpence (1944–1947). It was available by subscription; in one editorial Crozier boasts 300 subscribers. It also sold in Sydney, where artists Carl Plate and James Gleeson distributed it, and in Melbourne at Gino Nibbi's Leonardo Art Shop, 166 Little Collins Street, near the “Paris End” of Collins Street, an outlet for international magazines such as Minotaure and transition , and during the 1930s and 40s inspired a Melbourne avant-garde. [10] The covers, [11] mostly linocuts by William Constable, Robert Miller, Irvine Green, Decima McColl, Eric Thake and others, austererly printed in only one or two colours, declared its Modernist ethos. [8]
aCOMMENT promoted experimental, often surrealist, writing and art, publishing the work of some of Australia's most prominent modernists of the 1940s. The first number of Comment declared; "Our aim is stimulation...we will extract from the surrounding gloom a few people who will be really interested in our effort to put into print the newest ideas in writing and design." In issue four Crozier challenges her readers: “Why not let Comment be the battle ground upon which YOU will fight for your ideals and ideas.” The last issue, Winter 1947 featured Max Harris, Irvine Green, and Karl Shapiro; there is a two-page review of Shapiro's The Place of Love by Harris; Louis Thomas Dimes' three-page article under the pseudonym 'l'homme qui rit'; Joseph O'Dwyer; and Parker Tyler. The poetry supplement contains works by James Gleeson ('Orchestration'), Geoffrey Dutten [sic], Joy Hester, Shapiro and Dimes. [12]
Cecily Crozier was its editor (though Kershaw records that "at one point she furnished an editorial which specifically stated that there was no editor,") and also wrote for the magazine, while Irvine Green was its designer and illustrator, photographer and a contributing writer. Though he joined the RAAF and was posted in aerial reconnaissance he contributed woodcuts and linocuts for most of the covers and his illustrations, and occasionally his tipped-in photographs, appear regularly in aCOMMENT until its demise after 26 issues in 1947. [13] [8] He and Crozier married in July 1941 but soon separated.
American contributors to the magazine were servicemen stationed in New Guinea during the war who took their recreation leave in Australia; Karl Shapiro, author of the autobiographical Younger Son; [16] Harry Roskolenko (Baedecker of a Bachelor [17] and The Terrorized), [18] and also William Van O'Connor, [19] who after the war, on a Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship, wrote Sense and Sensibility in Modern Poetry published in 1948. [20] Shapiro enthused about the magazine; "A COMMENT should be shown in America. It is brave and good—as good as our best—and really a signpost in a world of destroyed art” [8]
aCOMMENT ran at a loss, with costs often met by Crozier and Green, until it was forced to fold after the Winter issue of 1947 in which Crozier wrote;
“Dear Readers, This will probably be the last Comment for a considerable time. The subscriptions I asked for some time ago have never materialised, as I’m afraid I hoped and expected. May l say once again that Comment has always been run on subscriptions, with the always large deficit made up from either Irvine Green’s pocket or my own...I need 150 subscriptions to bring Comment out four times a year. Believe me, my faithful readers, I have lived with Comment for seven years and the situation desolates me, but with so many little magazines the rocks of disaster always loom close.”
Writing in 1955 John Tregenza noted that "Of the thirty-seven little magazines published in Australia since 1923, only five succeeded in lasting for more than ten issues," and of aCOMMENT notes its success in that it "had managed to avoid the rocks for an exceptionally long time — for seven years and 25 [sic] issues." [21]
Max Delany, director, Monash University Museum of Art in an essay on art magazines writes that;
Comment sought to express the feelings and sensuality of a new generation of artists and thinkers, and, in Max Harris’ words, to ‘be at one with the surrealists and revolutionaries in defeating a moral system and a moral society which expresses the victory of death [and] the corruption of desire…’. [22]
The Ern Malley hoax, also called the Ern Malley affair, is Australia's most famous literary hoax. Its name derives from Ernest Lalor "Ern" Malley, a fictitious poet whose biography and body of work were created in one day in 1943 by conservative writers James McAuley and Harold Stewart in order to hoax the Angry Penguins, a modernist art and literary movement centred around a journal of the same name, co-edited by poet Max Harris and art patron John Reed, of Heide, Melbourne.
Ethel Campbell Louise Anderson was an early twentieth century Australian poet, essayist, novelist and painter. She considered herself to be mainly a poet, but is now best appreciated for her witty and ironic stories. Anderson has been described as "a high-profile author, artist, art commentator and emissary for modernism".
Meanjin, formerly Meanjin Papers and Meanjin Quarterly, is one of Australia's longest-running literary magazines. Established in 1940 in Brisbane, it moved to Melbourne in 1945 and as of 2008 is an editorially independent imprint of Melbourne University Publishing. A print edition is produced quarterly, while it is updated continuously online.
Angry Penguins was an art and literary journal founded in 1940 by surrealist poet Max Harris. Originally based in Adelaide, the journal moved to Melbourne in 1942 once Harris joined the Heide Circle, a group of modernist painters and writers who stayed at Heide, a property owned by art patrons John and Sunday Reed. Angry Penguins subsequently became associated with, and stimulated, an art movement now known by the same name. The Angry Penguins sought to introduce avant-garde ideas into Australian art and literature, and position Australia within a broader international modernism. Key figures of the movement include Sidney Nolan, Arthur Boyd, Joy Hester and Albert Tucker.
Maxwell Henley Harris AO, generally known as Max Harris, was an Australian poet, critic, columnist, commentator, publisher, and bookseller.
James Phillip McAuley was an Australian academic, poet, journalist, literary critic, and a prominent convert to Roman Catholicism. He was involved in the Ern Malley poetry hoax.
John Harford Reed was an Australian art editor and patron, notable for supporting and collecting of Australian art and culture with his wife Sunday Reed.
Francis Rossiter Crozier was a war records artist who is represented in the Australian War Memorial's art collection along with other Australian official war artists such as H. Septimus Power, Arthur Streeton, George Washington Lambert and Ivor Hele.
Olive Cotton was a pioneering Australian modernist photographer of the 1930s and 1940s working in Sydney. Cotton became a national "name" with a retrospective and touring exhibition 50 years later in 1985. A book of her life and work, published by the National Library of Australia, came out in 1995. Cotton captured her childhood friend Max Dupain from the sidelines at photoshoots, e.g. "Fashion shot, Cronulla Sandhills, circa 1937" and made several portraits of him. Dupain was Cotton's first husband.
Eric Prentice Anchor Thake was an Australian artist, designer, painter, printmaker and war artist.
Art in Australia was an Australian art magazine that was published between 1916 and 1942.
Ethel Louise Spowers was an Australian artist associated with the Grosvenor School of Modern Art in London. She was especially known for her linocuts, which are included in the collections of major Australian and British Art Galleries. She was also a founder of the Contemporary Art Society, promoting modern art in Australia.
Susan Irvine (1928–2019) was an Australian educator, author and rose authority.
Jack Weldon Bellew was an Australian journalist and publisher. He was a former chief of staff of The Daily Telegraph and the Sydney Daily News and one of the three founders of Atlas Publications.
Velasquez Gallery, also known as Velasquez Gallery at Tye's, and later Tye's Art Gallery, was a Melbourne art gallery that showed contemporary traditional, and later, modernist Australian art, including some sculpture and prints, as well as Australian indigenous art. It operated from 1940 to 1955.
Cecily Medland Crozier was an artist, poet and literary editor who co-founded aCOMMENT, an avant-garde literary magazine in Melbourne.
Allan Holder Jordan (1898–1982) was an Australian painter, designer, printmaker and teacher.
The Australian Academy of Art was a conservative Australian government-authorised art organisation which operated for ten years between 1937 and 1946 and staged annual exhibitions. Its demise resulted from opposition by Modernist artists, especially those associated with the Contemporary Art Society, though the influence of the Academy continued into the 1960s.
Alannah Coleman was an Australian painter, gallery director and dealer in Australian art who drew valuable attention to the work of expatriates to England in the 1950s–1990s and increased awareness of Australian art and artists in Europe.
Gino Nibbi (1896-1969) was an Italian-born naturalised Australian author, art critic and bookseller in Australia and Italy who helped educate and connect Melbourne modernist artists and their public.