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Other namesBaragnosis, baroagnosis [1]

Abarognosis is a type of cortical sensory defect [2] consisting of a loss of barognosis, the ability to detect the weight of an object held in the hand or to tell the difference in weight between two objects, [3] or more succinctly "loss of the ability to sense weight". [4] This deficit may be caused by damage to the parietal lobe. [5]


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  1. Dorland 2011, baragnosis
  2. Black 1995, pg. 14
  3. abarognosis, Drugs.com , retrieved 2013-03-21
  4. "abarognosis", The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary , Houghton Mifflin , retrieved 2013-03-21
  5. Campbell 2012, pg. 554
