Abd-el-Tif prize

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Colonnades of the villa Abd-el-Tif Colonnades de la villa Abdeltif.jpg
Colonnades of the villa Abd-el-Tif

The Prix Abd-el-Tif (Abd-el-Tif prize) was a French art prize that was awarded annually from 1907 to 1961. It was modelled on the Prix de Rome, a scholarship that enabled French artists to stay in Rome.


The award was devised in 1907 by Léonce Bénédite, curator of the Museum of Luxembourg and Charles Jonnart, governor-general of French Algeria. The prize comprised a bursary and a year's free stay at the Villa Abd-el-Tif in Algiers, a state-owned institution for the study of Islamic art. Each year's prize winners were chosen by the Society of French Orientalist Painters.

Prize winners

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