Academic achievement among different groups in Germany

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Differences in academic achievement among different ethnic groups in Germany are topics that have drawn the interest of the German academic and scientific communities.


To properly understand ethnic group differences in academic attainment in Germany, it must be understood that different ethnic groups in Germany have different histories of immigration. For example, one reason why the Italians are doing so poorly is that most of their ancestors arrived as unskilled Gastarbeiter. However socioeconomic factors cannot explain all the differences. The Spanish, for example, also arrived as Gastarbeiter, but soon started moving up the social ladder. This difference has been attributed to culture. [1]

In Germany Hauptschulen, Realschulen and Gymnasien (schools of the tripartite system) exist alongside comprehensive schools such as the Gesamtschule. Most of the studies presented in this article deal only with the schools of the tripartite system and do not consider students attending a comprehensive.

Persons holding different citizenships

A study released by the OECD showed that immigrants in Germany perform much less well at school than their counterparts elsewhere, and they are also less likely to attend selective schools such as the Realschule or the Gymnasium (university preparatory school). [2]

German scientist Dietrich Thränhardt commented that statements about immigrants were not meaningful, as immigrants come from a number of countries and immigrants from some countries were doing well, while others were doing poorly. [3]

One of the groups performing least well were students of Italian citizenship, who were more likely to attend a special education school than a Gymnasium. Most Italian students attended a Hauptschule. [3]

Students holding Spanish, Russian, Croatian, or Bosnian citizenship were more likely to attend a Realschule or a Gymnasium than they were to attend a Hauptschule. They were achieving as well as the Germans. [3]

Students holding a Turkish passport were more likely to attend the Hauptschule (a school that teaches at a slower path than Realschule or Gymnasium), however some groups holding a Turkish passport such as the Alevi were more successful. [3]

Ethnic group differences

Second generation Greek students were more likely to attend a Gymnasium (college preparatory school) than their ethnic German counterparts. [4] The same was true for students belonging to the Chinese or the Jewish-Russian minority. [5]

No other ethnic group in Germany was as successful as the Vietnamese, 50% of whom attended a Gymnasium, and the Koreans, 70% of whom held at least a high school diploma or higher. [6] [7]

Educational attainment of Muslim students differed by ethnic group. While 50.2% of students from Iran attended either a Realschule or a Gymnasium, only 12.7% of Lebanese students attended one of those schools. [8]

The following tables use the German grading system. 1 is the best grade, and 6 is the worst. Former Yugoslavian students will be considered as one group in the following tables; however differences exists between different ethnic groups from former Yugoslavia when it come to educational attainment.

Academic grades differed by ethnic groups:

Academic Grade received for performance in German language class (by ethnic group)
Academic GradeTurkishItalianformer Yugoslavianperson of German or partial German ancestry not born in Germanyperson of German ancestry born in Germany
1.0 to 2.46.3%6.7%19.8%22.3%33.5%
2.5 to 3.018.9%12.2%18.9%26.9%26.2%
3.1 to 6.074.4%81.1%61.3%50.8%40.3%
Academic Grade received for performance in math class (by ethnic group)

1 is the best grade, and 6 is the worst.

Academic gradeTurkishItalianformer Yugoslavianperson of German or partial German ancestry not born in Germanyperson of German ancestry born in Germany
1.0 to 2.414.9%11.1%23.6%33.7%36.9%
2.5 to 3.020.5%14.4%20.8%31.1%24.7%
3.1 to 6.064.4%74.4%55.7%35.3%38.4%
Percentage of students accepted by a Realschule or a Gymnasium after primary school graduation by ethnic group (only students that attend Hauptschule, Realschule or Gymnasium are counted for this statistic; students that attend a comprehensive or another school are not counted)
SchoolTurkishItalianformer Yugoslavianperson of German or partial German ancestry not born in Germanyperson of German ancestry born in Germany
students accepted at a Gymnasium 8.6%7.8%20.8%28.2%34.5%
students accepted at a Realschule 16.2%10.6%19.8%34.0%30.1%
students attending a Hauptschule 75.3%81.7%59.4%37.9%35.4%

According to a study, academic grades played a vital role in determining whether a student was accepted at the Realschule or Gymnasium. However, academic grades were not the only factors influencing Realschule attendance. Even if grades were controlled, ethnic Germans were somewhat more likely to be accepted for a Realschule. Gymnasium acceptance however was not influenced by ethnic group if grades were controlled. [9]

Immigrant children attending a primary school that was attended by other immigrant children showed poorer academic performance than immigrant children that attended a school that was less diverse. According to a study immigrant children were more likely than ethnic Germans to attend a school that underperformed other schools. [10] Immigrant children that attended a primary school which had many immigrant students were less likely than students attending a less diverse school to be accepted at a Realschule or a Gymnasium. [9] However another study found that:

In sum, frame of reference effects can be found for educational achievement (big-fish-little-pond-effect), but not for a class’s migration background. [11]

Alba et al. found that while Turkish and Italian immigrants did worse than would be predicted by their IQs, that was not true for Greek immigrants. [12]

Differences between immigrants living in Eastern and Western Germany

Immigrants living in Eastern Germany are more likely to attend a Gymnasium and less likely to attend a special education school. In the East German state of Brandenburg, 44% of all students from immigrant backgrounds were awarded the Abitur. Thus students from immigrant backgrounds were more likely to be awarded the Abitur than ethnic Germans. Karin Weiss attributed the greater success of immigrants living in Eastern Germany to the fact that they had different countries of origin from immigrants in Western Germany. In Eastern Germany there are more immigrants from China and Vietnam, and their culture places more value on education than immigrants from other countries. Other factors contributing to the success of immigrant children were the fact that Eastern German immigrant children were more likely to attend a kindergarten than their Western German counterparts, and that teachers and schools in Eastern Germany did more to integrate immigrant children than those in Western Germany. [13]

Performance of immigrants in the PISA examination

Every three years, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) conducts worldwide evaluations of 15-year-old students, known as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). PISA studies have revealed that youngsters of immigrant backgrounds living in Germany underperformed compared to their peers.

When compared to native German students, first-generation immigrants (born outside of Germany) perform well below the average of first-generation immigrants in the 17 countries considered. The gap becomes even larger among second-generation immigrants (children with at least one parent born outside the country). Among this group, German schools' performance was right at the bottom of the survey. [2] The gap in performance was smallest in case of the performance on reading tests and biggest in the case of the performance on natural sciences tests. [14]

Volker Hagemeister observes that immigrant children in Germany have much less mastery of the language than their counterparts in countries such as Canada or New Zealand, where English is spoken. Additionally, university-qualified immigrants are over-represented in many other countries compared to immigrants to Germany. [15]

Mathematics performance at the PISA
students without immigration backgroundfirst generation immigrants*second generation immigrants**
*born in a foreign country, parents from a foreign country – **born in the country, parents from a foreign country

However the fact that first-generation immigrants outperform second generation immigrants was a statistical artefact. First generation immigrants and second generation immigrants come from different ethnic groups. First generation immigrants were more likely to be so-called Aussiedler - families from Eastern Europe of full or partial German ancestry who decided to move back to Germany. Second generation immigrant youngsters were more likely to be Turkish, a group that was shown to underperform on standardized tests. Within every ethnic group, those who were born in Germany did better than those who were born outside Germany. [16]

heritageMathematics performance at the PISA
former Yugoslaviaborn in Germany472
former Yugoslaviaborn outside Germany420
Turkeyborn in Germany411
Turkeyborn outside Germany382

Effect of language skills

According to a study, poor language skills may not be to blame for poor performance of immigrants. The study indicated that the achievement gap between youngsters of immigrant backgrounds and youngsters without immigrant background was the smallest on the tests that required the most language and the biggest on relatively language free tests. [14]

Research on discrimination

According to the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, students from ethnic German families were 4.96 times more likely than children from immigrant families to have their teacher write a letter that states they would make a successful transition into the Gymnasium. If only children who had the same reading scores were compared, ethnic German children were still 2.11 times as likely to receive that letter. [17]

A study by Stanat et al concluded that immigrant children were not discriminated against. The reason why so few immigrant children attend the Gymnasium were poor reading skills. After adjusting for reading competency, children from immigrant families were as likely as children from native German families to attend the Gymnasium. [18]

According to still another study:

After controlling for individual students’ competencies, e.g. their cognitive abilities, the common assumption that children with migration backgrounds are disadvantaged could not be confirmed. Even a high share of children in a class who do not speak German as a family language does not induce adversarial results in transition recommendations. In contrast, however, a concentration of high achievement orientation in a class indeed negatively affects transition recommendations: A high share of students with above-average academic achievement, cognitive abilities and achievement-oriented parents actually decreases students’ chances of getting into higher educational tracks (Realschule and Gymnasium instead of Hauptschule). [11]

Still another study, the ELEMENT-study, compared four groups of students:

  1. Students who spoke German as a first language and had at least one parent who was born in Germany
  2. Students who had one parent born abroad and did not speak German as a first language
  3. Students who had two parents born abroad and did not speak German at a first language
  4. Students who had two parents born abroad and spoke German as a first language

The study could not confirm the assumption that immigrant children were discriminated against. After controlling for preconditions of learning (such as cognitive ability and number of books possessed by the parents) and performance and standardized reading and math tests provided by the scientists students of group 1, 2 and 3 had the same chances of being admitted at a Gymnasium. However, according to the study, children who had two parents that were immigrants but spoke German at home (group 4) might be slightly favoured by the system. Further research will be necessary in order to learn if that effect (group 4 is favoured) is real, as it was not significant. [19]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Demographics of Germany</span>

The demography of Germany is monitored by the Statistisches Bundesamt. According to the most recent data, Germany's population is 84,669,326 making it the most populous country in the European Union and the nineteenth-most populous country in the world. The total fertility rate was rated at 1.58 in 2021, significantly below the replacement rate of 2.1. For a long time Germany had one of the world's lowest fertility rates of around 1.3 to 1.4, however there has been a small increase in recent years. Due to the low birth rate Germany has recorded more deaths than births every year since 1972, which means 2021 was the 50th consecutive year the German population would have decreased without immigration. However, due to immigration the population has actually increased during the last half-century. In 2019 the number of people with a foreign background was 26%; this category includes foreigners, naturalized citizens, ethnic German repatriates from Eastern Europe and the children of all of the above.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Gymnasium (school)</span> Type of school providing advanced secondary education in Europe

Gymnasium is a term in various European languages for a secondary school that prepares students for higher education at a university. It is comparable to the US English term preparatory high school or the British term grammar school. Before the 20th century, the gymnasium system was a widespread feature of educational systems throughout many European countries.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Education in Germany</span>

Education in Germany is primarily the responsibility of individual German states, with the federal government only playing a minor role.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">State school</span> Type of school funded in whole or in part by general taxation

A state school, public school, or government school is a primary or secondary school that educates all students without charge. Such schools are funded in whole or in part by taxation and operated by the government of the state.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Education in Austria</span>

The Republic of Austria has a free and public school system, and nine years of education are mandatory. Schools offer a series of vocational-technical and university preparatory tracks involving one to four additional years of education beyond the minimum mandatory level. The legal basis for primary and secondary education in Austria is the School Act of 1962. The Federal Ministry of Education is responsible for funding and supervising primary, secondary, and, since 2000, also tertiary education. Primary and secondary education is administered on the state level by the authorities of the respective states.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Education in Switzerland</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hauptschule</span> German type of secondary school

A Hauptschule is a secondary school in Germany, starting after four years of elementary schooling (Grundschule), which offers Lower Secondary Education according to the International Standard Classification of Education. Any student who attends a German elementary school can go to a Hauptschule or Gesamtschule, while students who want to attend a Realschule or Gymnasium need to have good marks in order to do so. The students spend five to six years at the Hauptschule, from 5th to 9th grade. They finish around age 15 to 17.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Real school</span> Type of secondary school in Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Estonia

Real school is a type of secondary school in Germany, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. It has also existed in Croatia, the Austrian Empire, the German Empire, Denmark and Norway (realskole), Sweden (realskola), Finland (reaalikoulu), Hungary (reáliskola), Latvia (reālskola), Slovenia (realka), Serbia, and the Russian Empire, including partitioned Poland.

<i>Gymnasium</i> (Germany) Type of secondary school in Germany

Gymnasium, in the German education system, is the most advanced and highest of the three types of German secondary schools, the others being Hauptschule (lowest) and Realschule (middle). Gymnasium strongly emphasizes academic learning, comparable to the British grammar school system or with prep schools in the United States. A student attending Gymnasium is called a Gymnasiast. In 2009/10 there were 3,094 gymnasia in Germany, with c. 2,475,000 students, resulting in an average student number of 800 students per school.

A selective school is a school that admits students on the basis of some sort of selection criteria, usually academic. The term may have different connotations in different systems and is the opposite of a comprehensive school, which accepts all students, regardless of aptitude.

Berufsoberschule is an optional part of the German education system, and is an additional way to be allowed at university for students who didn't get an Abitur at a Gymnasium.

Germany uses a 5- or 6-point grading scale (GPA) to evaluate academic performance for the youngest to the oldest students. Grades vary from 1 to 5. In the final classes of German Gymnasium schools that prepare for university studies, a point system is used with 15 points being the best grade and 0 points the worst. The percentage causing the grade can vary from teacher to teacher.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Education in Berlin</span> Overview of education in Berlin

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Second-generation immigrants in the United States are individuals born and raised in the United States who have at least one foreign-born parent. Although the term is an oxymoron which is often used ambiguously, this definition is cited by major research centers including the United States Census Bureau and the Pew Research Center.

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