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An Actibump is an automatic speed-bump on a road. It is a product developed by the Edeva AB group, a Swedish traffic systems manufacturing company. It is triggered when a speeding vehicle drives over an activated piece of the road, causing a change in the level of the road as a warning to the driver. [1]



The Actibump system is installed in several cities in Sweden, including Linköping, Uppsala, Västerås, Helsingborg, Malmö and on the Öresund Bridge. Currently, there are over 100 Actibump units active in the world, a majority of which are located in Europe. [2] Actibump can be installed in roads with heavy traffic where the speed limit is 5-60 km/h. The system can also be used at logistics centers, toll stations, airports, etc.

Disincentives to using the systemare its installation and maintenance costs, which are higher than conventional passive speed bumps. The installation costs for 2 lanes averages around €50,000 per speed bump, with maintenance being required after every 11-12 years. [3]


Different evaluations and studies have concluded that when tested, the Actibump was shown to decrease the average speed of drivers, improve traffic flow, and decrease fuel consumption, traffic noise, and air pollution. [4] However, it was also found that there was a small increase in the number of drivers who failed to yield the right of way to pedestrians and cyclists.

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  1. Official website
  2. "Actibump proves a success in Australia". Highways Today. 2019-01-14. Retrieved 2019-10-03.
  3. Džambas, Tamara; Ivančev, Ana Čudina; Dragčević, Vesna; Vujević, Iva (2023-01-01). "Safety and environmental benefits of intelligent speed bumps". Transportation Research Procedia. International Scientific Conference „The Science and Development of Transport - Znanost i razvitak prometa – ZIRP 2023”. 73: 159–166. doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2023.11.904 . ISSN   2352-1465.
  4. "Evaluation of Actibump in Linköping" (PDF). Trivector Traffic AB. June 2016.