Advice (complexity)

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In computational complexity theory, an advice string is an extra input to a Turing machine that is allowed to depend on the length n of the input, but not on the input itself. A decision problem is in the complexity class P/f(n) if there is a polynomial time Turing machine M with the following property: for any n, there is an advice string A of length f(n) such that, for any input x of length n, the machine M correctly decides the problem on the input x, given x and A.

The most common complexity class involving advice is P/poly where advice length f(n) can be any polynomial in n. P/poly is equal to the class of decision problems such that, for every n, there exists a polynomial size Boolean circuit correctly deciding the problem on all inputs of length n. One direction of the equivalence is easy to see. If, for every n, there is a polynomial size Boolean circuit A(n) deciding the problem, we can use a Turing machine that interprets the advice string as a description of the circuit. Then, given the description of A(n) as the advice, the machine will correctly decide the problem on all inputs of length n. The other direction uses a simulation of a polynomial-time Turing machine by a polynomial-size circuit as in one proof of Cook's theorem. Simulating a Turing machine with advice is no more complicated than simulating an ordinary machine, since the advice string can be incorporated into the circuit. [1]

Because of this equivalence, P/poly is sometimes defined as the class of decision problems solvable by polynomial size Boolean circuits, or by polynomial-size non-uniform Boolean circuits.

P/poly contains both P and BPP (Adleman's theorem). It also contains some undecidable problems, such as the unary version of every undecidable problem, including the halting problem. Because of that, it is not contained in DTIME (f(n)) or NTIME (f(n)) for any f.

Advice classes can be defined for other resource bounds instead of P. For example, taking a non-deterministic polynomial time Turing machine with an advice of length f(n) gives the complexity class NP/f(n). If we are allowed an advice of length 2n, we can use it to encode whether each input of length n is contained in the language. Therefore, any boolean function is computable with an advice of length 2n and advice of more than exponential length is not meaningful.

Similarly, the class L/poly can be defined as deterministic logspace with a polynomial amount of advice.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">NP (complexity)</span> Complexity class used to classify decision problems

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Complexity class</span> Set of problems in computational complexity theory

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In computational complexity theory, P, also known as PTIME or DTIME(nO ), is a fundamental complexity class. It contains all decision problems that can be solved by a deterministic Turing machine using a polynomial amount of computation time, or polynomial time.

In computational complexity theory, the complexity class NEXPTIME is the set of decision problems that can be solved by a non-deterministic Turing machine using time .

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In computational complexity theory, L is the complexity class containing decision problems that can be solved by a deterministic Turing machine using a logarithmic amount of writable memory space. Formally, the Turing machine has two tapes, one of which encodes the input and can only be read, whereas the other tape has logarithmic size but can be read as well as written. Logarithmic space is sufficient to hold a constant number of pointers into the input and a logarithmic number of boolean flags, and many basic logspace algorithms use the memory in this way.

In computational complexity theory, P/poly is a complexity class representing problems that can be solved by small circuits. More precisely, it is the set of formal languages that have polynomial-size circuit families. It can also be defined equivalently in terms of Turing machines with advice, extra information supplied to the Turing machine along with its input, that may depend on the input length but not on the input itself. In this formulation, P/poly is the class of decision problems that can be solved by a polynomial-time Turing machine with advice strings of length polynomial in the input size. These two different definitions make P/poly central to circuit complexity and non-uniform complexity.

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In computational complexity theory, L/poly is the complexity class of logarithmic space machines with a polynomial amount of advice. L/poly is a non-uniform logarithmic space class, analogous to the non-uniform polynomial time class P/poly.

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In computational complexity theory, a unary language or tally language is a formal language where all strings have the form 1k, where "1" can be any fixed symbol. For example, the language {1, 111, 1111} is unary, as is the language {1k | k is prime}. The complexity class of all such languages is sometimes called TALLY.

In computational complexity theory, a certificate is a string that certifies the answer to a computation, or certifies the membership of some string in a language. A certificate is often thought of as a solution path within a verification process, which is used to check whether a problem gives the answer "Yes" or "No".

In computational complexity theory, NP/poly is a complexity class, a non-uniform analogue of the class NP of problems solvable in polynomial time by a non-deterministic Turing machine. It is the non-deterministic complexity class corresponding to the deterministic class P/poly.


  1. Arora, Sanjeev; Barak, Boaz (2009), Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach, Cambridge University Press, p. 113, ISBN   9780521424264, Zbl   1193.68112 .
  2. Reinhardt, Klaus; Allender, Eric (2000). "Making nondeterminism unambiguous". SIAM J. Comput. 29 (4): 1118–1131. CiteSeerX . doi:10.1137/S0097539798339041. Zbl   0947.68063.
  3. Hemaspaandra, Lane A.; Ogihara, Mitsunori (2002). The complexity theory companion . Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. ISBN   3-540-67419-5. Zbl   0993.68042.
  4. Lance Fortnow, A Little Theorem