Alan Pears

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Alan Pears, AM, is an environmental consultant, and a pioneer of energy efficiency policy in Australia since the late 1970s. [1] [2] [3]

In the 1980s, Pears worked on the Home Energy Advisory Service, star-rating appliance energy labels, and mandatory home insulation regulations, while with the Victorian Government's Energy Information Centre. He has been an environmental consultant since 1991, involved in energy/environmental rating and regulation of buildings, green building developments, and efficient appliance development. He is an adjunct professor at RMIT University, and writes a regular column for ReNew magazine. [1] [4]

Alan Pears was made a Member of the Order of Australia in 2009. [1]

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The House Energy Rating (HER) or House Energy Rating Scheme (HERS) are worldwide standard measures of comparison by which one can evaluate the energy efficiency of a new or an existing building. The comparison is generally done for energy requirements for heating and cooling of indoor space. The energy is the main criterion considered by any international building energy rating scheme but there are some other important factors such as production of greenhouse gases emission, indoor environment quality, cost efficiency and thermal comfort, which are considered by some schemes. Basically, the energy rating of a residential building provides detailed information on the energy consumption and the relative energy efficiency of the building. Hence, HERs inform consumers about the relative energy efficiency of homes and encourage them to use this information in making their house purchase decision.

Brenda Boardman MBE is a research fellow at University of Oxford and a campaigner against fuel poverty. She provided the evidence and theory base for measuring the energy inefficiency of houses, coined the term 'affordable warmth' and has influenced UK government policy in this area.


  1. 1 2 3 Mary-LouConsidine (12 June 2012). "Energy efficiency matters: an interview with Alan Pears". ECOS .
  2. Steele, Wendy; Hillier, Jean; MacCallum, Diana; Byrne, Jason; Houston, Donna (2021). Quiet Activism: Climate Action at the Local Scale. Springer International. pp. 37–38. ISBN   9783030787271 . Retrieved December 19, 2024.
  3. Smith, Michael H.; Desha, Cheryl; Hargroves, Karlson (2010). Cents and Sustainability: Securing Our Common Future by Decoupling Economic Growth from Environmental Pressures. pp. 56–58. ISBN   9781849776370 . Retrieved December 19, 2024.
  4. Pears report, ReNew magazine.