Ambum stone

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The Ambun stone may represent an anteater, fruit bat, bird, or mega-marsupial Ambum Stone.webp
The Ambun stone may represent an anteater, fruit bat, bird, or mega-marsupial

The Ambum stone is an ancient stone sculpture thought to have been carved c. 1500 B.C.E. and found in New Guinea. Other similar stones excavated depict humans, birds, or other animals. [2] Scientists are unsure exactly which animal this sculpture is meant to represent, but some believe it may represent a now extinct marsupial. Speculation also surrounds the object's intended purpose; some believe that it may have acted as a pestle.



The stone was discovered by Europeans in 1962, it was reportedly recovered from a cave in Ambum Valley which is located in the Western highlands province of Papua New Guinea. [3]


It is not known why the stone was created. The stone was found by the Enga of Papua New Guinea, and was thought to have ritual significance. [4] It was found in a cave in the early 1960s, [5] and in 1977, was acquired by the National Gallery of Australia. Some suspect that the stone was illegally exported from Papua New Guinea to be able to land in the National Gallery of Australia. [6]

Artifact damaged

In May 2000, the artifact was damaged while it was on loan to the Museum of African Arts, Pacific and Indian. It broke into three main segments: the head, the body, and a chip off the head. [7] Additionally, the artifact incurred several minor chips and surface bruises. [8] It was later restored using adhesive and an inpaint to match the finish.

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  1. Billie Lythberg and Jane Horan. "Ambum Stone". Khan Academy . Retrieved 19 April 2024.
  2. "Prehistoric Stone Sculpture from New Guinea | Essay". Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. Metropolitan Museum of Art . Retrieved 28 February 2016.
  3. "A remarkable stone figure from the New Guinea highlands". The Journal of the Polynesian Society . 74 (1): 78–79. 1965. ISSN   0032-4000.
  4. Egloff, Brian (20 March 2008). Bones of the Ancestors: The Ambum Stone : from the New Guinea Highlands to the Antiquities Market to Australia. AltaMira Press. ISBN   9780759111608.
  5. "The Ambum Stone". National Gallery of Australia. Archived from the original on 26 February 2016. Retrieved 28 February 2016.
  6. Craig, Barry. "Review of Bones of the Ancestors. The Ambum Stone: From the New Guinea Highlands to the Antiquities Market to Australia". Archaeology in Oceania . 44 (2): 122–124. JSTOR   40387456.
  7. "Object conservation: Aubum stone". National Gallery of Australia . Retrieved 28 February 2016.
  8. Beata Tworek-Matuszkiewicz (21 April 2022). "Analysing the Ambum Stone". National Gallery of Australia . Retrieved 14 April 2024.